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Cady Heron

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Book Hotels in Andaman and Nicobar
8/8/2016 12:35:32 PM
The main areas where the Hotels and Resorts in Andaman hotels and resorts have to concentrate is efficient use of all forms of energy, be it electricity, water, gas, coal or wood. Plugging all sources of energy waste like keeping lights on when not needed, flowing taps, overflowing tanks and cisterns, excessive pressure in gas burners, waste of recyclable heat and the list goes on. Another area is to tackle temperatures in the air-conditioning system, hot water temperature monitoring, laundry a source of maximum water and steam consumption, kitchen where the potential could be in three areas, water, gas and steam. External illumination is yet another area where saving potential exists.

Hotels and resorts must look at savings in energy and materials through the hotel guests. There are hotels that have successfully made hotel guests as their partners in conservation programmes. Example is lighting, linen change, material use to name a few. These measures, while aiding in hotels commitment to the environment conservation also add their share to the bottom line.

Hotel as an enterprise and an hotelier as a responsible member of the society have no option but to go green. Luckily, we are in an industry where we have educated, intelligent and understanding clients who if not more, are at least equally responsible members of the society. The task therefore becomes a joint venture. In this struggle to save and preserve our planet earth, there are no geographic boundaries, no religion and no colour, the planet belongs equally to all of us.