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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/2/2018 3:07:34 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6337 Following God's Will, June 2, 2018

God said:

Beloved, live your own life at the same time as you follow My Will. That you follow My Will means your wings and Mine as One spread far and wide. Be assured when you follow Me, you embrace the world yet do not put any semblance of world success before divine service. Serve God, serve the world. This is another way I, God, say to you in all humility:

"Beloved, have no other Gods before Me."

This is another way I say:

"I, God, am the Doer."

Even as you and I are One, you do not claim to be the Doer. Upholding God is your realm of service.

You have been invited to ride in God's Chariot. Riding in God's Chariot is how you serve God. Following God's Will is a bona fide way for you to favor the world. One with Me is how you serve. This is how you, as One with Me, fulfill My Will on Earth as in Heaven.

If you have the idea that you are on track to second-guess God, ego may likely be taking a bite out of you. Of course, you are to serve God. Serving God doesn't mean you precede God. One with God does not mean you show God how to navigate the world. God shows you the way. God first. God in advance. Hear Me, and listen. Follow God. Follow God's Will for the sake of all Heaven and Earth.

Man on Earth plants a garden. He lays it out. He digs the soil and plants the seeds. He waters the garden. Man is a humble gardener. Just as God gives life to man, so God gives gardens their flowers and fruit to blossom. You and I share Oneness, yet Oneness doesn't presume to own. I, God, am the Power and the Glory. I lead. I share. You partake. We partner together. This doesn't mean you take over that which belongs to God. Whose garden is this that flourishes on Earth?

I, God, do not concern Myself with ownership, nor must you. Oneness desires all gardens to grow and cover the Earth. Beloved, as One, there is no coveting power or ownership in the first place. If you are out to show your mettle, reveal it in your service.

There is no glory to be found in ego. Ego is a false God. Ego likes to precede, yet ego amounts to no more than rouge on cheeks, whereas God is One Presence Who serves Infinity and everlasting Love - to the brimful! It is your Identity to share Godliness. In Our Oneness, We share fair and square. We stay humble. Ego wises up. The Oneness of God leads the way. Oneness exists, and patience and acceptance exist. There is no squabbling for Holiness in Heaven.

We are a co-op, let's say. The way is paved. Man on Earth does not seek glory nor preeminence of what the world could call God's turf. Man on Earth has some awareness of what he is doing on Earth. In no way does man on Earth seek to prove his prowess. He seeks no golden throne to sit on and no silver mirror to gaze at himself in. He seeks for nothing but to serve God's Will in the Highest. To serve God is man's ambition. He has no desire for acclaim. When he wishes for anything, he wishes to serve. He seeks no cloaks of glory nor any recompense for his service. He asks for no ownership. Earthwise, Oneness serves and shares Oneness as Oneness reveals itself in all the glory called God.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/3/2018 8:10:57 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6338 Ego Unveiled, June 3, 2018

God said:

Beloved, My Beloved, on occasion, you may hold out belief in something to refuel your Soul. In all innocence, you may be mixing up ego with Soul. Ego presence may give you a temporary boost, yet ego will inevitably leave you high and dry. Ego is not your foundation. You cannot rely on ego. You must know by now that ego is a fair-weather friend. Actually, ego isn't any kind of friend at all. Ego is a con artist. Ego is a spoof. Ego promises to marry you, yet you can be sure that ego won't show up on time. In this, you can rely on ego. This is the way of ego. Sooner or later, ego will not deliver. Ego is good at disappointing you. Ego may enjoy having the last laugh. Ego is talented in making promises. Even if ego could fulfill his promises, he chooses to pull the rug out from under you. There is no way that ego leads you anywhere but to knock you off your perch.

Ego sees himself as a hot tamale for getting away with defrauding you. You may indeed feel that ego has really singled you out as standing above the crowd when his solid intention is to sweep you under the carpet. In this, you can rely on ego. No matter how often ego lets you down, he gets better at playing his game. He is practiced. The difference between you and ego is that you trust in ego. What you can trust ego for is to let you down. No matter how often ego boots you out, you still are surprised. Ego is good at what he does, and you are also good at falling for ego's conning you time and time again. Oh, yes, ego is sure to hoodwink you behind your back and put over one or two or a hundred more passes at you. This does not make ego brilliant. It makes you dim.

Gather your wits about you when it comes to ego. Ego is a professional deceiver. I suppose We can say that you are a professional who steps into the same pothole more than once. We can compare ego to the villains in the silent films who ruthlessly pull the wool over the innocent maiden's stargazing eyes. In for a penny, in for a dollar.

Of course, innocence is one thing. Being duped again and again is another. Innocence is no defense. Are there any true heroines in silent movies or just pawns?

Yes, of course, ego gets your hopes up. Ego promises you retribution and kicks your shins. This isn't exactly because of your faith. It is because of your foolishness. This is your betrayal. Is once a fool always a fool your motto? It may seem you were born yesterday or might as well have been. Besotted with ambition, you cut yourself down to size. You bemoan being taken advantage of - again.

Ego clicks your photo for all the world to see on Facebook. Once again, you are caught on your own petard. Of course, no one makes you play the part you play. You just haven't caught on yet. I'll say it again. You repeatedly set yourself up and fall for the bait. Who cuts you down to size? Who hangs you up? Who is the buffoon? You and ego are both good at what you do. Ego applauds you while you wipe your tears.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/4/2018 2:46:12 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6339 Remember Your and Everyone's True Divinity on Earth, June 4, 2018

God said:

Beloved, when it comes to life on Earth, you have heard more than once: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." You also well have heard: "Look before you leap."

In the extant world, opposites are also true even as it is not always easy for you to see this.

"Hurry up! is one kind of advice, yet the Hare does not always win the race. The Tortoise may win the race while the Hare takes a nap.

It's not so important to win a race as it is to enter into the race. You have a part to play. You are not to sit around in life like a wallflower.

Nor do you have to be a stand-out. You aren't looking for renown, yet you leave your footprints in the sand. You don't have to star in People Magazine, yet I do ask you to live your life to the fullest.

Beloved, I keep my eye on you. I follow your life, and I root for you. It is My pleasure to see you unfold like a rare Lady Slipper in the Springtime.

No one in the world may grasp your full merit to the degree that you and I do. I count your blessings, and My light shines in your eyes. Of course, I feature in your life. There is a reason why I follow your story. I invite you to feel the joy I take in your presence on Earth now and forever. I relish you. I insist on your being here. I brought you here for something. I brought you here to fulfill that which no one else can quite fulfill in the way you can. You are to extol the world. Better a world with you in it! You are here for something.

Godling, I sing your praises for good reason, and so may you sing My praises for the glory of all. Everyone who is here on Earth has signed up for Me. You don't have to steal the show. You are here for many reasons. One is that I requested you bright as a song here as a voice to sing out for Me on Earth. Sing out, and sing out again so I may hear your sweet voice and so you may hear Mine. Of thee, I sing. Hallelujah, and of My blessings you sing!

The whole world is made of a chorus of angels on Earth. This day on Earth has come today, this very day on Earth.

Blessed be you, and blessed be the world. Life on Earth is for a reason. There is nothing on Earth that is without great purpose. No one is excepted. No matter how hit or miss life on Earth may seem to you, everything and every Being, including an ant working away with industry in a tiny ant hill, is here for good purpose. You may not have yet seen your own Divinity, yet not ever are you here by chance..

Glory to you. Your picture of yourself in this lifetime on Earth is about to change. You will know that the world is richer for your presence. Whoever reads this Heavenletter today - and whoever does not - you are about to wake up. You are to take a keen look. Your estimate of yourself and your destined ballgame on Earth this time around is going up by leaps and bounds. You are about to discover you are a star on Earth. You are nearer and dearer than you have contemplated. You are not just hanging out in this world on the odd chance that your life is meaningful. Your life is meaningful. You and I dreamed a dream of you, and something wonderful is happening before Our eyes this very moment!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/5/2018 2:29:44 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6340 Awaken to Your Own Merit, June 5, 2018

God said:

Beloved, to thine own self be true. This isn’t self-centeredness – not at all. This is awareness. You have choices. Awaken to your own merit. Your own merit goes far beyond vanity. You might as well recognize the truth of yourself. Age and such are not the truth of you by a long shot. You are far more mighty than your age, your looks, your I.Q., or the orbit of the world. I expect you don’t yet begin to know the extent of the meaning of your presence in the world. You are not your work. You are not your pretensions. You need no pretensions in the first place. It isn’t possible for you to exaggerate the extent to which you are a remarkable blessing all the way around. Your tendency and the tendency of the world seem to cut you down to make you average when you are far beyond what is considered average. You are beyond anything you might say about yourself. Naturally, you are far above your grade point average. GPA is not at all the reach of yo u. I swear to you, by Jove, that you extend far beyond the world. You are galaxies ahead of the world. You are already in the thrall of Heaven.

The world doesn’t have an inkling of the truth you are. The fact is, that you are beyond measure. You are heads above what is seen and what is dreamed of. Yes, you are way ahead of the dreams the world dreams of.

By and large, the world, as it seems to be, just doesn’t have a clue as to the Vastness you are. Foolish world. The world may still be waiting for that which you already exceed. Go further than the world can add or multiply. The world seems to be more skilled at subtraction and division. It’s not that the world cannot see. The world sets lesser priorities. The world does not see far enough. The world settles for dross. You are far greater than what the world commonly takes into account. The world just doesn’t see far enough. The world simply doesn’t begin to dream enough. The world means to be realistic and runs on the basis of reality, so it thinks it does.

As it is, the world does not begin to ask for enough. The world runs on tiddlywinks when it is capable of climbing the highest mountain and on to the furthest stars and galaxies of Heaven. The world sets its virtual reality too low. To climb the highest mountain does not ask for enough. You are so close to the apex of all possibilities. You scale the heights, yet you come in at the last like a caboose. The world has forgotten what you are on the verge of. It is true that you do not ask for enough. There is much more for you to ask for right off the bat. You timidly would ask for what is already yours if you would dare to go that far. Of course, ask for more. Ask for more. Ask now. Ask to reach higher than the apple or the pear at the top of the nearest tree.

Right this moment, you open the dimensions of the world. Open the dimensions wide. Dream of the Vastest of the Vast. You have greater than the world to reach for. Reach higher than high. Stretch your boundaries. No longer settle for less.

Beloved, you are the asker who asks on behalf of the world entire. My children already have the moon and the stars. Accept greater right now. Accept the heights of Heaven. As My guests, accept the Bounty I give you from My Heart.

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/6/2018 6:23:10 AM
Thank you so much for these uplifting letters.

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