
Devasish Gupta

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Wealth and Spirituality Don’t Mix- True or False? Real Reason Most Spiritual Peo
10/18/2015 5:30:47 PM
Wealth and Spirituality Don’t Mix- True or False? Real Reason Most Spiritual People Never Become Wealthy...

How to become a human lightning rod for prosperity...

I know this is a touchy subject for some, but it’s important...

I’m struck by how many people on the same path as you and I often ask me:

How do I manifest wealth into my life… without diluting the spiritual journey I’m already on?

The answer to that question - and to enjoying the sweetness of LIFE in every possible way - is in the training video I sent you the other day.

Watch the Prosperity Formula video, and discover the key to a lifetime of holistic abundance.

There’s only one reason questions like this exist:

It’s because deep down inside (often on a subtly subconscious level), many of us feel it’s impossible to live a heart-centered life…

While also acquiring and enjoying the trappings of material wealth.

First, let’s state the obvious:

Wealth is far from the be-all-end-all of happiness.

(That’s why there are so many miserable millionaires…)

But believe this! When you harness it correctly, by tapping into certain invisible forces within you and around you...

Wealth sets you free in a way nothing else can.

New adventures and missions open up to you. Your deepest truths open up to you.

The sweetness of LIFE opens up to you.

So don’t believe whoever tells you wealth and spirituality don’t mix!

Best of all, ANYONE can become a lightning rod for abundance... with just a small nudge in the right direction.

Discover a two-part Prosperity Formula that holds the surprising key to drawing the right kind of wealth into your life.

Watch the Prosperity Formula video, and discover the key to a lifetime of holistic abundance.

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