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Knives are out for Fiorina: 14-yr-old speech supporting Islam surfaces
9/18/2015 12:00:33 AM
Knives are out for Fiorina: 14-yr-old speech supporting Islam surfaces

It’s clear Carly Fiorina has made a splash in the Republican race for president, as the long knives are already out and flashing.

Fourteen years ago, on September 26, 2001, then CEO of Hewlett-Packard gave a speech entitled “Technology, Business and Our Way of Life: What’s Next” in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In her speech she expressed her personal shock and sorrow at the events of 9/11. The majority of the speech was of a corporate nature, but it is the last few paragraphs that have the blogosphere in an absolute tizzy today.

During the closing of her speech, Fiorina told the story of a civilization that was the greatest in the world. The civilization she was referring to was Islam.

Clearly, this speech is surfacing now to destroy Fiorina’s chances at winning the GOP nomination, let alone the presidency. There’s nothing new in that tactic.

But some key points should be addressed in all of this.

> While Islam did produce art, architecture and algebra we must also mention the historic instances of Islamic conquest by the sword and the ongoing confrontation with Western Civilization. But name a current American leader who has not sugar-coated or not fully understood Islamic history (other than, dare I say it, Col. Allen West?).

> The comments of 14 years ago should not be taken as a singing of praises now. What a corporate CEO must say to potential customers is different than what a leader must say to potential enemies.

> Yes, in her speech Fiorina, gave a “PC” address that did give respect to achievements. But as Col. West told me today, “we must learn to never dismiss the horrors of Islamic rule in order to placate the public. Today the Islamic culture is one of the most unachieved and backward when it comes to education and technological advancement.”

It will be interesting to see how the Fiorina camp responds to this speech. But one thing is for certain, this ride is only beginning, and it’s going to get bumpy.

Funny how everyone jumps on a speech of 14 years ago, rather than looking at the actions happening right now at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…

Knives are out for Fiorina: 14-yr-old speech supporting Islam surfaces

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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