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David Rowland

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Strawberries---Sweet, or Sour?
2/19/2014 2:16:38 AM
Have you ever tried to grow strawberries, just to have them turn out bitter? Did you know that there are some things you can do to make your strawberry plants produce sweet fruit?

Here's a few tips:

1) You need well drained, fertile, slightly acidic soil.
2) Raised beds provide better drainage, compost enriched sandy soil is best.
3) Locate beds where the strawberry plants get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight.
4) Adequate spacing. There should be at least 12 inches in between plants.
5) Plant in fall rather than spring for good root systems. Pinch off the flowers the first year to keep fruit from forming and roots growing.
6) Rotate beds to cut down on disease.
7) Limit plants to 4 or 5 daughter plants each. These produce the sweetest fruit as a general rule.
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