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E. J.

6 Posts
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Paypal has OUTDONE themselves...
9/24/2013 3:03:15 PM
I generally don't believe the hype of most products because behind every good promotion is a tremendous catch. This program is not at all like the rest. If you just do the job, you get paid by Paypal immediately. Go here now!
If you continue to conduct the same things you have been doing; you are going to have the same results. Do something different to change the course of events in your life.
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Paypal has OUTDONE themselves...
9/25/2013 12:41:45 AM
Hi E. J., Thank you for joining the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses forum.

I generally don't believe the hype of most products because behind every good promotion is a tremendous catch. This program is not at all like the rest. If you just do the job, you get paid by Paypal immediately. Go here now!

I look forward to working with you and sharing strategies for success. Let me give you a tip that may help you and then I will have some more suggestions. By my responding to this ad it brings it to the top of the
Programs with Loyalty Bonuses Index. When you or anybody else makes a comment, ask a question or gives a testimonial, it will do the same thing.

So with that in mind I would like to ask you to give a testimonial about the Paypal program that you are promoting. Is it working for you and how? Does it go along with the topic of this forum....I mean does it reward you every day by giving you a loyalty bonus?

Anyway thanks again for joining this forum and contributing with this thread. I will send you a direct message with some additional recommendations.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
E. J.

6 Posts
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RE: Paypal has OUTDONE themselves...
9/25/2013 9:30:22 AM
You are right. It makes perfect sense to share how it works and if it works. Here goes... I signed up with this program and was given a post a link and get PAID. I have thus been paid by Paypal for posting and people clicking on the link. I have received over $440 the first time when I claimed the funding but am posting other links. I just thought it was too easy not to share with others. I'm sorry about taking the place of your Programs with Loyalty Bonuses.
If you continue to conduct the same things you have been doing; you are going to have the same results. Do something different to change the course of events in your life.
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Paypal has OUTDONE themselves...
9/25/2013 4:46:26 PM
Hi E. J., No need to be sorry!

BTW it would be really good for you to add your picture to your profile and tell us a bit more about yourself in the about me section. Click on

You are welcome to share any program here that rewards you for taking action. I was just pointing out that by you taking action in this forum you are being rewarded. Your Paypal has OUTDONE themselves... thread is now at the top of the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses forum. Your Response to my request for your testimonial moved it up there. This post will increase the number on the right hand side of the index from a 3 to a 4. The views are at 44 and that is without our doing anything. Now watch what happens when I pay this forward outside of Adlandpro and invite people to not only look at your program but all of the programs that have loyalty rewards. I will also be inviting people to see the advantage of joining this great community.

increase traffic to your sites

You are right. It makes perfect sense to share how it works and if it works. Here goes... I signed up with this program and was given a post a link and get PAID. I have thus been paid by Paypal for posting and people clicking on the link. I have received over $440 the first time when I claimed the funding but am posting other links. I just thought it was too easy not to share with others. I'm sorry about taking the place of your Programs with Loyalty Bonuses.

The important thing here is taking action. The actions that you or anybody else takes in this forum will be rewarded by increased views to your site. I will be back with an example of that shortly.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Paypal has OUTDONE themselves...
9/25/2013 6:31:22 PM
free ads paid forward in the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses forum!

Programs with Loyalty Bonuses forum

Join today!


Hi E.J.E.J.'s profile picture

We guarantee 100 + visits to your ad in this forum.

You had 44 before we did anything.

In order to get you up to over 100 visits we sent out a promotion to 3007 of our randomly selected friends in HotSpotMailer.
Join HSM Now
I really like this mailer and I will tell you more about it in a few minutes but 1st
here is the message we sent:

Hello HSM Friends,

I hope by now you know that I am just trying to help you. Of course I know that most of you are just trying to help others and may not be looking for help. Ya....that is me too.

OK so one of the things I do to help people is pay their advertising forward. If you are involved in a program that has loyalty rewards there is a special forum created to help you get more traffic to that program.

It is the Adlandpro "Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" forum.

The latest most active thread there is "Paypal has OUTDONE themselves..." by E. J..

We guarantee 100 + visitors to your site. More about that in a minute but 1st here is E.J.'s original ad:
Subj: Paypal has OUTDONE themselves...
9/24/2013 8:03:15 AM
I generally don't believe the hype of most products because behind every good promotion is a tremendous catch. This program is not at all like the rest. If you just do the job, you get paid by Paypal immediately. Go here now!
[I love this last part]
If you continue to conduct the same things you have been doing; you are going to have the same results. Do something different to change the course of events in your life.
To get 100 + visitors to your ad, you must first be a member of Adlandpro. Go to this URL to join:

Then join the "Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" Forum.

Description: Have a program that rewards you every day for logging in? Promote them here and get them paid forward. Affiliate links, banners and graphics are welcome in this forum. Click to join the forum and add as a favorite.

To your success

Ken Wolff
Programs with Loyalty Bonuses
Forum Administrator

HotSpotMailer - Get Unlimited Email Ads & Unlimited Bucks

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*Don't hesitant and give it a try!


Ken Wolff

join HSM

I had 32,825 credits before I sent the message to 3007 of our randomly selected friends. I clicked on 36 links to other HSM pograms and had
32,494 credits. Now I can easily go in to my Gmail account and click on any number of 196,000 + emails in my saved HSM Messages and get as many credits as I need.

There are 26,003 active members who opt in to receive your messages. I consider them all to be my friends. Good friends are friends that respond to the messages that you send.

Close Friends are Good Friends that you communicate with often.

Lets be Good Friends...or better yet...Close Friends.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team