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Strategy Game
9/18/2013 7:06:25 PM
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Ken Wolff

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RE: Strategy Game
9/21/2013 12:50:18 AM
Hi Margarita Strunkina,Margarita's profile picture

We guarantee 100 + visits to your ad in the "
Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" forum.

In order to get you up to over 100 visits we sent out a promotion to 500 of our randomly selected friends in

click to join Pay-U-List
Here is the loyalty bonus available:
* You just gained 25 clicks. You can collect this daily

*You can email 500 random members daily.
Here is the message we sent:
Hello Pay-U-List Friends,

See if this would work for you!

It has been a long time since we talked. Lets stay in touch and share strategies for success.

I just started a forum in Adlandpro to share programs with loyalty bonuses. I know there are a lot of them out there and some are better than others. Click Fred E-mails was the 1st program shared. It gives you 10,000 Bonus Points if you log in every day.

Go here to join CFE:

Rebecka Beasley shared Ace High Solos:

Click here to join!

You Have Earned 3930 Points.
In just a couple of days I have earned 167,425 points.

Here is the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses forum

Have a program that rewards you every day for logging in? Promote them here and get them paid forward. Affiliate links, banners and graphics are welcome in this forum. Click to join the forum and add as a favorite.

Here is how the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses works:

Margarita Strunkina shared Strategy Game.

You, too, are playing?

We guarantee at least 100 visitors to the members ads. So for Margarita we are sharing her ad with our friends here in Pay-U-List.

In the site you go to for credit you can click on the link to visit her site. If you are a member of Adlandpro you can click on New Reply and post a question, make a comment or give your testimonial.

If you are not yet a member of Adlandpro go here to join:

If you have a Program with Loyalty Bonuses and would like 100+ visitors look above Margaritas ad and click on Programs with Loyalty Bonuses then New Topic

Lets stay in touch and share strategies for success.

Warm regards,

Ken Wolffjoin pay-u-list

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team