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Branka Babic

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One really special quote ...
8/19/2013 9:54:04 PM

What is wine? It is the grape present in another form; its essence is there, though the fruit which produced it grew thousands of miles away, and perished years ago. So the object of many a tender thought may be spiritually present, in defiance of space - and fond recollections cherished in defiance of time.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: One really special quote ...
8/20/2013 7:48:52 AM

What is wine? It is the grape present in another form; its essence is there, though the fruit which produced it grew thousands of miles away, and perished years ago. So the object of many a tender thought may be spiritually present, in defiance of space - and fond recollections cherished in defiance of time.
Samuel Lover

This is a wonderfully deep quote.

There are many things here to think about.

This is a different thought about the distance or absence

Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Hafiz 2013

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RE: One really special quote ...
9/11/2013 4:16:11 PM
It took time to understand the quote. I have read it several times and now I think it is a very well thought quote. Thanks for sharing it Branka!
Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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RE: One really special quote ...
9/11/2013 4:38:46 PM

What is wine? It is the grape present in another form; its essence is there, though the fruit which produced it grew thousands of miles away, and perished years ago. So the object of many a tender thought may be spiritually present, in defiance of space - and fond recollections cherished in defiance of time.
Samuel Lover

This is a wonderfully deep quote.

There are many things here to think about.

This is a different thought about the distance or absence

Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Dear Sir,

I apologize for so belated response.
Thanks for the great comment and for bringing another great quote here.
It is true and I like it very much.

Much love and one great big Adlander hug for you Roger :).

Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: One really special quote ...
9/11/2013 4:44:00 PM
You are welcome Hafiz.
I am glad you got it :).

Here is a fun paraphrase of that quote:
