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Diane Bjorling

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Social Etiquette - Where are Your Manners?
1/12/2013 10:40:28 PM
Using good manners is important when travelling the Social media landscape|AdlandPro
I have always been a firm believer of manners and if you ever talked to my kids, they would be the very first to tell you that saying "please and thank-you" is very important to me.

I see no difference in carrying on this core belief when it comes to social media and in fact I feel that it is even more important from the standpoint of branding yourself that these time honored traditions be carried forward.

Etiquette in Social Media is not so easy in ways and requires learning "how to" use your manners in a variety of ways.

Before sharing with you a delightful post The Social Media Etiquette Guide You Wish Miss Manners Had Written, I would like to add a few of my own good manners:
 Read Terms of Service! A good post by Ptc Site|Adlandpro

1. How often have your heard - follow the TOS of a community, brand or blog? It stands to reason that good manners in social media is being aware of what you can and can not do on any given service. When was the last time you read Adland's TOS and understood what you can do?
Follow the rules but be Real in Social Media|AdlandPro

2. Follow the Rules, be nice, but have your own unique voice.( While you do not have to agree with everything a person or brand is saying, being polite will show that you are a person of reason and that you are approachable
On Facebook, don't like everything for the sake of it|AdlandPro

3.On Facebook Don't like (anything) for the sake of it and worse Don't ask for a like of your page. Why? number one it looks very spammy and number two..why would anyone want to do this? If you are wanting people to like your page, then talk to people, develop a repore and then give reasons as to why liking your page would add value to their lives.
On a different note but still about Facebook is the matter of "mass tagging" of photos with people people who have no interest in what you might be talking about just to get a spike in engagement, not only is annoying, but a no-no in manners.
Use Twitter with good manners|AdlandPro
4 On Twitter, don't just retweet for the sake of retweeting, don't spew inspiration in the hopes people will notice you ( I have known more than a few people who I unfollowed because of these behaviors). Have a REAL conversation with others, be interested in what people are saying and please do not put Twitter automate everything! Automating tweets should be used and use this analogy, a voice mail for when you are not on Twitter. Some other bad manners are, over using hashtags or tweeting on rapid fire. Here is a great analogy that might help you understand this last point... when you have gone to a party, have you ever met the person who talks none stop, not even to get a breath of air? It is annoying, it is frustrating and it sure does not make you want to be near that person..the same goes for tweeting.
Always use a Professional Image|AdlandPro
5.No matter where you go on social venues, be aware of your profile image. I have stated on different forum discussions and have even sent messages to people that when you are using a "real" picture/image of yourself, its not just a matter of good manners, but also it helps to brand you the person. I would add that you should always present yourself in the most professional manner and having a questionable image is not something I or others want to see and is as bad as using a default image.!

Connecting on Social Media can be rewarding, connecting accounts can also be annoying to your readers|AdlandPro

6. Be aware of what you are sending and where! Many people think that they are saving time when connecting their accounts and I am thinking more of Twitter and Facebook,but when you are talking to two different audiences, then not only is it a nuisance to your readers, it will hurt your branding efforts. The reality is that when using social media you should be creating a good and sound strategy. It is the little things that matter when it comes to social media etiquette that really matter ( just like saying please and thank you)

Now onto a delightful and very well written post by Kim Garst titled:

Image from post by Kim Garst "The Social Media Etiquette Guide You Wish Miss Manners

(and I have to say I love she used her images on this post.......)

What manners would you add and what pet peeves do you have when it comes to social media etiquette?
Mr. D

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RE: Social Etiquette - Where are Your Manners?
1/16/2013 5:37:28 PM
Good information.
Do you have or in need of a main header design for your forum?
You may want to think about one with a trade mark or logo design, header, or something?

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Social Etiquette - Where are Your Manners?
1/16/2013 6:29:54 PM
Good information.
Do you have or in need of a main header design for your forum?
You may want to think about one with a trade mark or logo design, header, or something?

Many people are talking (elsewhere) about social etiquette and it is a topic that I feel we need to talk more about, I'm glad that what I put here, provided and will provide people with information that I feel is sorely needed!

um.. got me on that one and I have NO idea how to
RE: Social Etiquette - Where are Your Manners?
1/27/2013 8:16:01 AM

Hi Diane, good message about etiquette.

Some rules are needed otherwise it won't be any use to anyone.

Regards, Evans Hope
Branka Babic

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RE: Social Etiquette - Where are Your Manners?
1/27/2013 8:31:12 AM
Thanks Diane! I am sharing this page around, just always too brief to click on post button. I regret for the lack of good manner from my part :).

Hugs friend, enjoy your weekend!

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