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Happy 2012 New Year - United Prayer "UP" January 1-30, 2012
1/1/2012 1:54:30 PM
This year's 30 Days of Prayer will take place January 1-30, 2012. The theme will be "United Prayer" with the acronym "UP."

It is time for us to assemble together and go "UP" to the upper room, in the Spirit, as we gather in "one accord in prayer" (Acts 1:14) and "with one accord in one place" (Acts 2:1) to see a sweeping move of the Holy Ghost as "one church body" in this hour (Acts 2:2-4; 4:31-35). Jesus went with others "UP into the mountain to pray," and the voice of God was heard and His glory was revealed (Luke 9:28-35). When the church renders "united prayer" as "one" body in alignment and unity with the purpose, plan, and will of God, then we will see greater revival and harvest. There is reality in what E.M. Bounds once stated: "Prayer can do anything God can do."

for every believer to develop a deep personal relationship with God and whole-heartedly commune with Him daily and allow His presence to go with them continually: "And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest" (Exodus 33:14);

for fresh movements of prayer to permeate the United Pentecostal Church International, and that all saints will adopt a lifestyle of prayer and fasting: "These all continued with one accord in prayer" (Acts 1:14);

for a spirit of "one accord" to prevail among the church as we join together in corporate prayer: "When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place" (Acts 2:1);

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Mike TaylorAdvertising/Marketing Associate and General Articles Writer.

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