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Beth Schmillen

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Testimonials for MANGOSTEEN products
12/26/2005 6:21:48 PM
Mangosteen is the key ingredient of so many health supplements online. Whether VeMMA or Xango or ? you can read or post testimonials about this amazing fruit that has so many health benefits. this first long batch is from the VeMMA website Mangosteen and Minerals Testimonials A Christmas story - Vemma saved our little dog I have a Bichon that is at least 7 years old we truly don't know his age but by his teeth as he was dumped out by our farm a year and a half ago . Two weeks ago we noticed he would have coughing and chocking episodes then a few days later Shaggy had a server chocking problem he then laid down and didn't want to get up my husband pick him up and he would yipe something we never heard like before as the day went on he tried to get up but he couldn't use his right front leg and the right back leg was sluggish he would try to eat but it was like he just couldn't move his head and body right the next day he didn't even try to get up we just knew we were loosing this sweet little dog we got so attached to. I told my husband brad I am giving him Vemma and took a eye dropper 4 cc Vemma then Brad and I took turns holding him crying most of the night ! The next morning he was breathing easier and his pules was stronger so I gave him another 4cc of Vemma by the noon he he was drinking water on his own but still week in his actions but the amazing thing is he had started to use his legs again by the third day and another 4cc of Vemma he was back to chasing Duke our cat and jumping in our lap's . We are not for certain what happen but if a person went through this you would call it a stoke . I now give Shaggy Vemma 4 cc every day ! MERRY CHRISTMAS Sharron Johnson Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Hello, we are Ken and Debbie Browning from a small town in north Alabama called Grant. Both of us have been on the Vemma for about nine weeks now and have had unbelievable results for the health problems that we each have. First, we will share with you Debbie's health problems. About nineteen years ago, Debbie was diagnosed with the debilating disease, fibromyalgia. This is a disease that affects the muscles and the tissues that surround the joints. The disease causes the muscles and the tissues to stay inflamed constantly. You also suffer from chronic fatigue because of the inability to achieve restful sleep because of the disease. There are also many other side affects from the disease...constant pain, depression, and weight problems just to name a few. For this disease, there is no cure. All of this was multiplied by a car accident that Debbie was involved in on July 8, 2002 when a gentleman t-boned her in the driver's side of her car at a red light. The accident left her with three bulging discs in her neck and other discs bulging down in the center of her back, neuropathy in both feet and both legs! , and carpal tunnel in both hands. Needless to say, Debbie hurt day and night. After being on the Vemma Total Nutrition product for six weeks, Debbie became totally pain free with energy that she had not experienced in years! Nineteen years to be exact. It has been a miracle for her. Ken, also, has multiple health problems. Ken has rheumatoid arthritis, ankyalosing spondalitus, osteo arthritis, and osteoporosis. These diseases put Ken in a wheelchair 4 years ago. Ken has had 37 surgeries because of these diseases. The ankyalosing spondalitus totally fused his neck when he was 38 years old, forced him out of the work force, and put him on total disability. Ken's daily regimen included 11 different medications. One of those 11 medications included 180 oxycodone pain pills a month to help him to be able to walk around and deal with the horrible pain that he experienced on a daily basis. He was also on a dangerous cancer medication that is being used to help treat rheumatoid arthritis called methotrexate. The methotrexate was a required medication for him to be able to take another arthritis treatment called Remicade. This is an IV that Ken would receive every 6 week! s to help control the pain and stiffness from his arthritic diseases. Ken was also on a blood thinner called Coumadin which is nothing more than rat poison. He had to go every six weeks and have blood drawn because of the high risk of all of these drugs killing his liver and other body organs. Ken started the Vemma Total Nutrition program about nine weeks ago and after about two weeks on the program he became totally pain free and drug free! Ken, too, is experiencing new found energy. As far as the business end of Vemma, we are experiencing a new found income also. In the last 4 weeks, we have made $5,000.00 with the Vemma Total Nutrition program. We have been in other home based businesses in the last two years. We have never had the success nor the simplicity of a business that we have experienced with Vemma. The others were hard to explain and really hard to believe that money could be made after you became involved with them. When all was said and done, we did not make any money with the other companies and they soon went under because they did not have a product from which people could really benefit. With Vemma, it is totally different. We have a product that we KNOW that benefits people health wise and financially because we have experienced it. The product is so easy to share with others because you want them to experience the same benefits with their health that we have experienced. T! he product tastes good, is convenient to use, and improves the health of others or helps them to maintain the good health that they enjoy. Health is important to everyone because without it they really have nothing else. With all of this sharing of the product, comes the financial benefit. If you share the product and the benefits of the product, you will see an income start to build that you thought was not possible just as we have. Becoming distributors of the Vemma product is going to allow us to start planning for our retirement earlier than we had hoped! Vemma is truly a blessing sent from God! We enjoy working with all of our group and all of our up-line so much. We will be forever grateful to George Hou who introduced us to Vemma and to the wonderful Vemma family. We have developed relationships with so many wonderful people that we might not have ever met! Migraine Headaches I had a terrific migraine, and i could not get it to stop, for 4 days, but when i started taking the Vemma two times a day, my headache left, also my dog Ms. Angie Little Babe, A CHICHIHUA, she is so precious, her tummy, she was so sick, i thought about the Vemma I'm so happy to say, shes been taking a small bit of both, each morning, and she is so well and happy thank you Dee Timms MS I started by looking for a good all around supplement to help me deal with the effects of Multiple Sclerosis. Most of the reading I did pointed to the need for anti- oxidants and supplements to help with the day to day effects of the disease. Prior to taking Vemma, I had no energy and had trouble keeping up with my 2 year old. I took an inter muscular shot of Avonex for MS and it would leave me in really bad shape on the morning after my shot. About 2 1/2 weeks after starting to take the daily power shot I had more energy, I was able to actually get on the floor and play with my child. The side effects were reduced and the length that I felt bad the next day was cut in half. Overall my experience with Vemma has been excellent! I have never felt better and I often wonder if I was not suffering from MS and used the Vemma Nutrition System how much better my life would be. Chuck Deans Bone Cancer Another good day.. I am in remission from bone cancer of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, with that I lost a hip and have a damaged right kidney, all that occurred in 2004. I am now in my early 50's. After months of exhaustive chemo therapy then multiple kidney operations I was worn out. Within the first month of taking VEMMA, my energy level increased. Like all worthwhile things, that increased vitality went to all around better living. I felt vibrant after a year of being battered by multiple illness. I stopped taking VEMMA and within a month I felt a downward slide. It didn't take long before I received more VEMMA and once again I felt vibrant. As chemo patients know we frequently cannot mix other vitamins, minerals or drugs while going through chemo. I recommend VEMMA vitamins mixture to all cancer patients immediately after chemo has stopped or as soon as your doctor allows additional vitamins and minerals. When I think of VEMMA I think of a vibrant life. Hollie Hasbrouck Energy and General Pains I'm Sue Lemeline from Las Vegas and signed up for Vemma about 6 mths ago. I love the drinks and take it everyday. My better half didn't start taking it until about 4 mths ago. Well, let me tell you, he can't do without it. He works for McCarran Airport and gets up all hrs of the morning, 3, 4 or 5 am. The one thing he makes sure before leaving the house is that he's taken his VEMMA. He swears by it. He says that he has more energy, he's more alert and can concentrate much better. All the aches and sore joints are no longer there, plus he sleeps much better every evening. His daily diet of fruits & veggies wasn't there, but taking VEMMA has helped him get the Minerals & Vitamins that he's been missing. We both agreed now that we will tell all our family & friends about this unbelievable drink and what it does to you physically & mentally. We intend to work this business one person at a time. Thank You so much. Menopause - Hotflashes - Back Pain Hi! my name is Sharron Johnson and Brad is my husband from the Branson Mo. area we were looking at trying to do a home base business but nothing was working for us. At Christmas both us was getting laid off AGAIN and was praying because at being over 50 we knew our bank account with our health was going down hill quick , I was going through menopause with the night sweats , hot flashes and to add things even worse my husband was waking up with his knees locking up and back muscles spasms because of an old fall he had taken 7 years ago. Brad was eating 800 mg of Ibuprofen like it was candy and celebrix because the msm, gluecamein and shark cartilage that use to help was not any more. I was telling our Doctor I will not ever take steroids again because I had a reaction back in 1980 do to my lower back and end up having two disk fussed My eye specialist said the floaters in my eyes were a sign of loosing my eye sight. Our son Sean had been diagnose as A.D.D. and H.D.D. back in 1989 and a degenerate hip joints and none of the alternatives we had him on were helping him as good as they use to even though he was not in a wheel chair and did graduate high school because of our $200.00 a month expense to keep him off of Ritalin or Celebrix Nov. 11 we receive a Phone call from Brother George a Young Eastern Chinese Red Neck from TN. OUR prayers were answered because My Family found for just $2.00 a day Vemma Stopped the hot flashes, night sweats, muscle spasms hip joint and knee pain in the first 24 hours my shoulder and back showed amazing result s in a week as the build up of calcium had dissolved when the Dr, seen the before and after X! -rays he was impressed and so was my eye Doctor as she could tell my eye site was growing stronger with the floaters disappearing Our son and us are looking forward again to a brighter future! We have been on the Vemma program for 9 months and we have taken Vemma daily I have not had any allergy set backs with no need to get my shot I always seemed to get twice a year nor is my skin needing lotions because of the natural oil has come back with thicker skin , all of my age spots are gone too ! The crow feet and smile lines on my face are GONE and the finger nails are smooth and flexible as for my husband he has not missed one day of work and the younger men were put to shame when Brad out Power left them (they don't call him the old man anymore) , his boss gave him a raise because he out works them too ! Sean our Son has a full time job in a factory and making a living as a normal man , sense he was two specialist said he would never be able to have a normal life Vemma proved them WRONG ! When I got my lay off I was ready to make a difference in my life and in the lives of others now I meeting awesome new friends with up lifting testimonies, of how Vemma is changing there lives like some that are earning extra income or they are working this full time like myself who are earning enough from home to tell there old Boss they can take there job and give it to some other poor soul as I will earn a 6 figure income from home ! Thank God for Our wonderful Young Chinese Red neck (brother Hou) for thinking of us and telling us about Vemma If two old hillbillies can do this, you can too! Yours Truly Brad & Sharron Johnson Spider Veins My Mother at the age of eighty (80) while still working full time at The World s Happiest Place-Disney World-had a heart attack on the job. The doctors loaded her with pills and hospital food and were ready to send her home, but could not get her white count down (infection present). I told them that she had kidney stones and she had not revealed that to them it was the site of the infection. On the mend she was, with more pills and juices than any normal person would like to have but, her colon had died through the operation and she needed to be opened up again to remove the lower colon-which left her with an iliostomy (the outside bag of collection to handle). I noticed in a short time that her pills were not being ingested. They would literally pass through what was left of her intestinal tract whole and virtually untouched some still had the writing on them!! So, how much use is she getting from these Pills? NONE!! Apart from damage to her inside, which is what led to her not being able to eat more than two spoonfuls of food at a sitting. Consequently she died one and a half years later. It didn't t take long for her to lose 75#. She was 150# to start with and at her death weighed less than 75#. I had started looking into supplements for her and analyzed the cost and usefulness of many including Xango, plus two that were recommended by our local Health Food store no good in my opinion and that s when I happened onto Vemma, 6 months after her death I know Vemma would have helped her live a bit longer and perhaps recover from all of the surgeries, but it wasn't t in time for her. However, it proved to me that liquids are better!! The small veins (spider veins) on my thighs have become smaller and harder to notice!! This is good-this is very good!! PSORIASIA and Eczema I have The Heartbreak of Psoriasis and my husband has Eczema-both of us are nearly cleared up due most likely to the aloe content and needed minerals that we now know we have been lacking. Our energy level is twice what it was last year. I m 51yrs old and have not had this kind of energy since prior to birthing my child who is 10yrs old try keeping up with him!! Well, I do now!! I m up at 7:00 am and go to bed many times during the week at 2:00am, having just finished up the daily tasks of Mom s cooking, cleaning, blah, blah I have a brain AVM (ArterioVenous Malformation) and am on a fairly large dose of seizure preventative medication. There are many drugs and over the counter items I cannot take due to the medication I am on but, it is not a problem with Vemma!! My husband has Poly-cystic Kidney Disease (PKD- for short) He is using Vemma with his Doctor s permission with no contradictory results, and a TON more energy. Adult Acne My friend Sandy has dealt with Adult Acne , since High School YUK!! No one wants THAT!! Well, it s going away after three weeks of using Vemma. What more can I say so long as the company is making this product my husband, myself and my child will be using it. I will recommend the use of Vemma to anyone who needs it whether they know it or not so, that s everyone!! Period. Need More??? I have more Regards, Cookie Keener Vitality after Heart Surgery My Name is Bob Galloway. I have been taking the the Vemma nutrient for about 2 an 1/2 months. First a little background about my condition. I am 64 years old. When I was 45 I had my first heart attack. 8 years later I had quadruple by pass surgery. 4 years ago I had another heart attack. At that time the doctor recommended a group of medication that is the newest treatment for my condition. I have made improvement, but due to my reduced heart performance I have problems walking fast and have big problems going up steps. I have tried numerous vitamins without tangible results. The first time I realized that I was getting benefits from Vemma was when I was at a trade show walking to the car with my assistant. She always walks fast and I have to slow her down. At one point she stopped me, and ask me to slow down. Another time I was at a county fair with my wife. We were walking to the car. All of sudden she ask me to slow down which has always been her complaint during our 40 year marriage. After she ask me to slow down she said "Gee that's the first time in a long time I've had to slow you down. My apartment is on the second floor. If I carry any thing up the stairs I had to stop at the top to rest. I am at least 50% improved since I started taking Vemma. I have no idea why this is happening, but I am certainly having good results. My wife has also felt more energy since taking Vemma. She mentioned that her finger nails are growing faster and are much stronger. Thanks Vemma Painful Hands and Fingers Recently introduced to VEMMA, I love the product!!! I am almost 75 years old. Eight years ago, or so, I started taking nutritional supplement "pills" of an excellent brand, as it turned out. I took vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, calcium, fish oil capsules in the pill form. I have excellent health and I'm grateful that I got started when I did. I do have osteoarthritis. When I started their program, I had painful joints in my hands and very stiff fingers. At that time, eight years ago, I noticed a difference in one week and pain free and flexible, normal, in 30 days or a little more. ... but ... their program is expensive. Over time, there were a couple of times I didn't have the money to pay for the monthly shipments. Then, I would be off my sustenance for a couple months before I could pick it up again. Each time, pain and stiffness returned. Each time, it would take at least a month to again "normalize" my hands. Recently, I was laid off my job and had to shut off those supplements - couldn't afford them - what could I do? Enter VEMMA. I ordered a supply in because the liquid form appeals ... and ... the cost is half what I was paying and I can handle that ... and ... the chance to earn money on a simple, effective system has great appeal to a guy like me who needs income. Guess what? There was time enough between the last of my pills and the arrival of my VEMMA product, that my hands went bad again. But, IN 3 DAYS on VEMMA, my hands "normalized" and I will never again spend another day of my life without it. Because I have supplemented, I don't have, have never had any other aches and pains from the arthritis, although it is evident in xrays. All other indicators such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, inflammation, and everything else are "normal range" - great, in fact. My carotids are clear. etc etc. Count on me to be on VEMMA for a long, long time and if I can make some money through VEMMABUILDER, I am a happy camper. This is a powerful product! Thank you! Vel Orr Weight Loss My reaction to the first week of taking Vemma, was WOW! I lost 5kg in 4 days, and have maintained a weight of 60kgs for over 6 weeks now. After having my fifth child just under a year ago, the last 5kgs was stubborn to lose. I haven't weighted less that 64kgs in over 6 years, so I was totally impressed with Vemma. Carla Battle Mount Isa Australia Cholesterol from 266 to 168 i had high cholesterol and was taking statin drugs to lower it...the drugs did the job but gave me bad side effects...i always felt run down and another side affect was(impotence)so i started taking Vemma and now i noticed that not only have my cholesterol gone down from 266 to 168 but i have become very "active again"...also i have noticed that i have not had not one bad cold this year while taking the Vemma...this stuff works!!! Back Pain 240 Percocet and 60 Oxicontin to 0 pills My name is Greg Hastings and I am 55 years young. I live in Glendale Az. Several years ago I was involved in a rear-end auto accident, which left me with 11 disks damaged in my back. I was naturally put on pain medications and treatments. This went on for 3 years, after which I tried to go back to work. I was a general contractor for 30 plus years, this was not going to happen again after 3 days back I had a relapse of pain. I decided that a new career was in order. I went into outside sales after a little over 2 years I was grabbed from behind and re-injured again. It caused 5 more disks to rupture, then the treatments and drugs. I was going for epidural injection every month, I was taking 240 Percicett and 60 Oxicotten a month just to get by. After 18 months of this I could barely function, I was getting Migraine headaches almost daily , some so intense it made me vomit and some lasting for days. I was now taking some 17 different drugs monthly, I felt so "used up" I had no energy or stamina my thinking wasn't clear any more. I didn't know where to turn or what to do. Then an internet contact told me about a new discovery found in the rain forests of Asia. It was called Mangosteen "The Queen of Fruits" I had tried everything else I thought to give it a try. My first dose of it and 30 minutes later no headache and not since, that was 4 months ago now. This company was telling me to take more 8-10 ounces a day instead of the 1 once it said the recommended dose is, well at 257.00 dollars a month I started doing some research on the product, and looked up Mangosteen it was unbelievable the research that had been documented on this little know secret fruit. I then started to look at the different companies marketing this wonder juice, that's when I discovered a company called Vemma I looked at the company and its history to find some very impressive facts. This companies product was the most content of the juice on the market, and it also came with a complete Nutritional System that had vitamins 67 miners Aloe and green tea as a part of the program. I ordered it and am here to tell you that 1 once daily is all I need. I have more mobility and almost no pain in back and neck after only 10 days on this system. I am saving a total of 385.00 dollars a month on what I was taking including the this product and I feel great more energy more thinking and no PAIN. I am indebted to this company for setting me free. Thank you Vemma for doing it right. Pain and Depression I just wanted thank you for turning me on to Vemma. It has made a very positive difference in my life. For years I have lived with a tremendous amount of pain due to some old sports injuries. The muscle and joint pain at times seemed almost unbearable. The combination of living with constant pain and having an exhausting job led to bouts with depression. Since I have been taken Vemma my muscle pain has been drastically reduced and my joints are even feeling much better. Perhaps the best thing is that I do not seem to struggle with bouts of depression anymore. The reduction of constant pain has led to a more positive outlook on life. I am feeling the best I have in years! I have been taken Vemma for almost four months but did not begin to feel its impact until about two months into taking it. I am glad I stuck with it! Friends tell friends about Vemma!! Thanks again, Joe Robbe PROSTATE and Bathroom Challenges For 5 years I took an antihistamine and decongestant to battle severe allergies. At the time I was unaware of the study that a large percentage of men who have a prolonged use of the antihistamines will suffer prostate problems. Unfortunately, I became one of these men experiencing symptoms at the age of 38. After two surgeries and years of antibiotics, I still suffered from chronic prostatitis (swollen prostate) which in turn caused continuous bladder infections. Inflammation of the prostate was the underlying cause of these reoccurring symptoms. I took Vioxx and Celebrex until they were withdrawn from the market. I then used 1600 mg. of ibuprofen per day. This helped greatly but caused stomach irritation. In November of 2004, Ruth and I were introduced to Vemma by B.K. Boreyko. I have now been on the product for 8 months and have been off all antibiotics and ibuprofen. In addition I no longer get up 5 to 6 times per night to urinate which allows me better rest. At 43, I am symptom free for the first time in 5 years. For me, Vemma has literally changed my life and health. --Jeff Elliott, Normal, Illinois Chronic Prostitus Robert & Imogene Shepherd of Decatur, Illinois---- Vemma has changed my life since May 16th, 2005. Not only have I seen a reduction in my blood sugars but I have noticeable improvement in a foot fungus I have fought for years. I am most excited about what Vemma has done for my chronic prostititus. On May 15th my daughter and her husband (Scott and Susan Martin) had us meet with Jeff and Ruth Elliott to hear more about Vemma. (Note: Scott and Susan's blood test results have been featured in the "Take A Shot - Tell Two" News - Issue 3. They have also been speakers on the Vemma Worldwide Conference Call in May 2005). They were very excited to share this amazing product with us. "Jeff's story of his battle with chronic prostititus was mine to a 'T'". Sleepless nights from frequent urination along with repeated bladder infections. Since January 2005, I have been on 4 different antibiotics to rid myself of the bladder infection only to face an immediate return of the infection. My last prescription was Leviquin which cost me $81.97 (out of pocket expense) for a 7 day supply. Since using Vemma, I have not used an antibiotic nor am I bothered with frequent urination! All of these results found with the Vemma product cost me less than my prescription medications. --Robert Shepherd, Decatur, Illinois Menopause and more The Extended Martin Family from Decatur, Illinois - GOOD NEWS TRAVELS FAST! After Scott and Susan shared the Vemma with her parents Robert and Imogene Shepherd, two more siblings joined the Vemma organization. Steve Shepherd and Diana Patterson After 2 weeks, Diana didn't think she "felt" different using Vemma. She let her husband Joe finish her 2 week supply. During that time she began to experience the menopausal hot flashes she had been without during the use the Vemma. Sometimes people experience the full effects of the product when they are without it. Brother Steve began using the product in mid-May. Steve had a new diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes just prior to using Vemma. Before his health care professional could prescribe his insulin program, his blood sugars were in normal range and medication has been canceled. His wife Pam shared the product with her sister Judy Blankenship. Judy has seen results with eczema as well as reduced blood pressure. Judy shared the product with her husband Lonnie who also suffers from chronic prostititus. Lonnie has enrolled his sister Darlene. Welcome Aboard! Cholesterol challenges In early 1997 I had quadruple bypass surgery and have seen a cardiologist regularly since then. In March 2005 I had my regular blood work completed as indicated below. My cardiologist felt that several tests were necessary which led to a heart catherization. Since I have some heart damage, my cardiologist has placed me on Coreg and Lisinopril to control blood pressure and Lipitor to control cholesterol. I began using Vemma June 6, 2005 and the results of my July 1, 2005 blood tests are shown below. Note the improvement in overall cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. My HDL remained the same. On July 8 I met with my cardiologist. He noted my improvement along with an 8 lb weight-loss, but was concerned that my blood pressure was slightly elevated (154/78). After providing him with some information about VEMMA, he suggested raising the Coreg and Lisinopril and using the VEMMA instead of the 40mg of Lipitor...for three months. I thanked him for this plan and will follow up with new blood tests in early October. I feel like an on-going testimony. Blood Draw Dates: March 8, 2005 & July 1, 2005 Began Using Vemma June 6, 2005 Cholesterol 165 to 139 LDL 110 to 91 Triglycerides 110 to 74 _________________________________ PS: My cardiologist was skeptical, but interested in VEMMA. If I continue to improve without the Lipitor, I'll likely get his support. Perhaps he'll even start prescribing and using the product himself. Go VEMMA! --Jim Banther, Sullivan IN Heart Attack Recovery My name is David Griffin, and I live in the Branson, MO area. On June 12, at around 9:30, while at work, I had chest pains and the ambulance was called. When they arrived they checked me and prepped me for travel. When in the Ambulance the EKG indicated heart arrhythmia/attack. Before getting off the resort property there was marked improvement in my condition, to the point that my attendant made comment. I requested not to go to the local hospital but chose one about 49 miles, one hour, away. He agreed after considering my improvement. Upon arriving at the hospital I still had chest pains but much less. I was given nitro glycerin tablet and patch, placed on observation and blood drawn for heart enzymes, and cholesterol workup. I learned these test were to determine the amount of damage. I was admitted with a "heart attack". Six hours after the first blood test, more blood was drawn. I ask the tech what the first test showed, to be told that I had the "damaged heart enzymes", not bad but they were present. When my Cardiologist arrived I ask about all the test. While my usual diet consisted of whatever I wanted, (ie: 4 lard fried eggs for breakfast, fried sausage for lunch, and fried beef/pork for supper) and I weighed 250 lb. My LDL cholesterol had fallen 42 points in 6 months (from 137 to 95), my HDL was up by 2 points, and the second "enzyme" test did not show any damage to my heart. I was told that there was no damage to my heart. My "Cardiologist" could not tell me why this had happened so fast. When the third enzyme test was taken later I ask the tech what it meant. She told me that several people did not understand how fast the enzymes had left. On Monday morning, I had a stress test and my heart performed as that of an athlete, my "O2" saturation through the whole episode had and maintained 94% or greater. The Dr. administering the "Treadmill" portion made comment to the strength of my heart and lungs. The x-ray however showed some slowing of my back quadrant. Tuesday a.m. during an angiogram one artery was shown to be 70% blocked, with the others approx 20% buildup. Angioplasty was performed and a stint inserted to keep it open. I was released from the hospital Wednesday morning and returned to light duty work on Thursday morning. My doctor downgraded my episode to Angina due to the lack of permanent damage upon my release. I honestly believe if Vemma had not been in my system and regular diet for 5.5 of those previous months I would have had sever if not fatal results from this episode. Not only I, but also many of the people which were a part of my hospitalization! Thanks BK, George, and Sharron for bringing me to the world of Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen, and Aloe, with Green tea, a.k.a. VEMMA!! David L. Griffin LUNG CANCER George, I have to tell you this story about a friend of mine here in Phoenix who is a Phoenix Fireman. His name is Dave Duarte, he s 35 years old and unfortunately his brother was one of the New York firefighters killed in the 9/11 attack. Dave volunteered to go back to the 9/11 site and help clean it up. He was there for a month. Two years later he was noticing he had a loss of energy and was having a problem breathing. He went in and his Doctor discovered a mass on his lung, which turned out to be cancer. Dave believes he contracted it from breathing in all the pollutants from the 9/11 site. I asked him what he was planning to do to fight the aliment and he said he totally believed in natural ways to combat disease and sickness. When he told me this I did the obvious and shared Vemma with him. We started him on 1 shot a day for the first week and we worked our way up to 3 shots a day of the Vitamins and 1 shot a day of the minerals. His condition was getting worse so the Doctor got him on Chemo pills. After a round of those he was struggling to keep his energy up he lost about 30 lbs and eventually ended up in the hospital for 21 days. His Priest came to talk to him about giving him his last rites. He told me he still believed the natural way was the best way and feeling like he had nothing to lose he upped his Vemma dosage to 6 shots a day of the vitamins with mangosteen and 2 shots a day of the minerals. Well after a couple months of that I m happy to say I attended his remission party last Monday. When I walked in there were about 40 firefighters and their wives, Emergency Room Doctors and Nurses and the Doctors that treated him. Dave introduced me as the person who saved his life! and gave Vemma full credit for getting him through. I m still in shock. Even though I ve heard so many other testimonies in the past, it is even more amazing that I got to witness this first hand. We really have something the world needs. Keep on spreading the word my brother! Warmest Regards, Dave MS I am Sandra Wattson retired school teacher Because of MS and I have been in a Geriatric chair for 26yr with double vision so bad I have had a patch over one eye for 13 years. I got a call form Sharron who asked me to just try the Vemma and see if it could help me with my vision or my health. When she told me I could send it back with a 100% empty bottle money back I told her yes . I could not exercise because I was just to week but when I took the Vemma after one month I had to call Sharron and tell her I had been doing a exercise I could not do before I rotated 200 times by myself on the peddles that the therapist would attach to my chair so I reordered and double up on Mondays and Thursday buy the next order I was able to do 500 rotations in 10 minutes and again I was wonderfully pleased . I now am exercising my back doing 15 pull ups (something I thought I would never be able to do)! I and Sharron have been praying for improvement with my site and even though that has not happen YET, it has not got any worse and I will keep my good friend Sharron posted on my wellness . I feel stronger as time goes on! My Husband takes it too and he does not miss taking his Vemma he still is teaching. We both love the taste and the cost because I was spending a lot more on other stuff and none of it worked . Vemma is a blessing! Sharron Johnson, I got a phone call three months after Sandra started on the Vemma Program She called me to tell me she had been siting up in short spurts and it was something she thought she would never do again . The day after Mothers day Sandy ( only her friends call her that )! Told me she and her husband traveled 180 miles to visit her Daughter and Grandchildren and stay for over night and was able to move her self around on a hidebed and slept well she had never in the last 26 yr s done this! I asked her did you take your Vemma? OH yes, her and Gary would have not think of leaving it behind . Sandy told me it was the best Mothers day she had sense she had been in the chair ! Gary & Sandra Wattson MO . Gulf War Syndrome Hello George, Thanks for taking time for me. I just wanted to share with you what the VEMMA Nutritional program has done for me. To start I'll tell you that I was in the ground offensive during Operation Desert Storm. My unit Task Force Ripper, First Marine Division was given the assignment to take back Kuwait City. Six months prior I was involved in Operation Desert Shield. During which time we were given loads of shots and pills to take including, but not limited to the antidote for anthrax and malaria pills. Then during the Ground Offensive my unit had to go through the burning oil fields, smoke so thick you could not see your hand in front of your face, our faces had a thick oil soot on them, the smoke contained sulfur, additionally we were exposed to depleted uranium from burning tanks. I like 100,000 others came home ill. It was explained later to me by a physician that my bio chemistry had been off set or out of balance, and that's what was causing me to have panic attacks and depression. Medication was the answer according to the medical community. As the years wore on my condition worsened and I was in a psychiatric ward on two separate occasions. I was diagnosed with panic disorder (severe anxiety} severe depression with phsycosis and schizophrenia. I was taking 1 mg. of Klonopin 3x daily, 20 mg. of paxil 1x daily, 100mg. of serequil 3x daily and 100 mg. of Trazadone at bed time. This all added up to Post Traumatic Stress disorder. I was able to get myself off of the serequil- it was killing me. But it looked like I was stuck with the rest for the rest of my life. I'm considered 100% disabled by the Veterans Administration. I have always been into nutrition and wanted to start my own home business. I tried another company but I was let down. Then I found the VEMMA business opportunity. I have to admit I was skeptical, but went forward anyway. I had to try the product first to make sure it does what I've been told. Sure enough it does work! I went through a detox period of about three weeks, largely inpart to the damage that all the chemicals and medication did to my system. Today I'm being rebuilt and my system is functioning better each day. My thinking is more clear, my depression is at an all time low, and my anxiety is also at an all time low. I'm a completely changed person. I've seen results in the way I feel but the way I look. Even improvements in my skin and hair! If the VEMMA Nutritional Program can do these miracles for me it can do miracles for others too. Thanks Again for your time. Yours in Success, Greg C. Grove Staff Sergeant United States Marines {ret.} Recuperation from 31 Radiation Treatments Dear George, we spoke today about my health issues. I forgot what is probably the most important. Last September I had right leg pain and problems and that was the last straw. We have found it was a ruptured disc and time has alleviated most of that but the real problem I was simply worn out from everything which includes 31 radiation treatments last summer. I did not want to eat, nothing wanted to go down but drinking milk to wash food down and drank tons of Ensure to more or less feed me. I lost eight from 144 to 117. I was just no help to Donald and just seemed to need sleep. Mind you I did not start Vemma product until the end of February early March and it has taken me until now to see how truly taking the Vemma has changed me back to the Old Joan. The first few weeks I took 2 doses a day. I have a strong outlook and feel normal and full of life. I think a Guardian Angel sent Vemma to me for I don't know how I found the web page I enrolled on. I do know I was looking at the prospect of doing surveys, yuk, and now my life is changing, fast. Thought you needed to know this for there is no doubt changes have happened. Thank you, Joan White Thyroid Problems and Better Bowl Movements I personally have had phenomenal results since I started taking Mangosteen+ Minerals. I had heartburn almost daily, many headaches, agonizing pain from tennis elbow & gout, little pebbles in my stools that caused bleeding hemorrhoids. I had hypothyroidism, packed on 40 1lbs, was severely depressed and found that I was crying a lot. I had been diagnosed as hypothyroid through a blood test at a 9 News Health Fair held in Colorado back in April 2002. The Dr. told me I would need to take thyroid medication for the rest of my life. When I ask her if the thyroid could heal itself through alternative methods like exercise, eating right etc. she said there were no known studies . I tried synthroid for 3 days, hated the way I felt & didn t like what I read about side effects of synthetic hormone replacement for the thyroid gland (13% bone loss). At 43 years of age I didn t want any bone loss. I challenged myself and decided I would be a study & my search began for an alternative. I lived with those symptoms for several years until I discovered Mangosteen+ Minerals in September of 2004. Normal thyroid stimulating hormone is between 0.40-5.5. The Dr. said I was way off the charts at 78. Again in 2003 still off the charts at 50. I received a phone call April 27th , 2005 from 9 news health fair. They call me every year a few days after the blood test to report that I have a thyroid condition and ask me if I am on medication. I say no, what are my numbers? Joe said 15.99. I had to call back to make sure she didn t say 50.99. She assured! me it was 15.99. Needless to say I am thrilled with these results. Many of my symptoms are disappearing. Cold hands & feet, heartburn, tennis elbow, gout is a tiny echo every now & again. I have my energy back, I notice I sleep really good and more important, I wake up feeling rested. My bowels are moving much better. For the most part those tiny little pebbles have been replaced with good healthy POOP. According to Mark Victor Hansen healthy poop should look like this. He calls it the 4 F s Foot long fawn colored fluffy floaters . Thanks to the Vemma Nutrition Program (the most complete scientific based liquid nutrition program on the market today) & thanks to my sister Cathy Wendte who introduced me to Vemma, I am regaining my health. Donna Reardon Changed Grandson My name is Wilbert from La. born again Christian two years and have one child that is why I am a grateful Grandfather. I had been giving my 5 year old grandson a child dosage of the Vemma when I baby set him three times during the week. I knew in my heart that I needed to do this because what the Vemma Product had done for me. Justin (my grandson) had dark circles under his eyes and always scratching his behind plus he was eating a lot of junk food at home. My daughter is now giving it to him all the time because she seen the dark circles disappear, He stop scratching his behind, stop craving junk food and he has the rosiest checks something we had not seen on him for so long I can't remember when My daughter said he even acts better where he use to act badly. We both have a lot more energy and love to take our Vemma, Justin don't let me for get we need to take it! He loves the taste of it because it taste like a sweet fruit juice. I am very thank full for my good friend Sharron from Mo calling me for the Lord to send us his Vemma. I pray that Sharron can touch others like she had my little family and now I tell my church family to try Vemma, if not for them for the little ones because the children vitamins off the shelf isn't worth the money there paying (I know that is a FACT!) You think having a garden and grow your own is enough but it s not and I see it through my eyes and my grandsons eye s . Thank You Lord and God Bless, Welbert Abshire form La. Migraine headaches Painful Knees My mother in law was thrilled when we asked her if she would like for us to buy her next shipment of Vemma for Mothers day ? She has had head aches most of her adult life and server migraines but the head aches have almost a thing of the past and she has not had a migraine head aches for two months . She also had bad knees but they don't bother her at all even up stair ways ! Is there any one you know that could have a better quality of life ? My mother in law did and has found 5 happy customers. Thank you for your time Happy Mothers day to your wife Sharron Johnson George, Hepatitis C I'm Anita's Husband. The business is in my wife's name, but I will be the one who will be working the business. Let me tell you Little bit about myself. In 1998 I had a liver transplant. I got Hep. C in a blood transfusion in Vietnam. While I was receiving treatment for my liver transplant I was given an overdose of iron. What the doctors didn't know was that I had Hemocomtosus. My body makes to much iron. This made me a diabetic. I take 3 to 6 shots a day. Last year I had a Quadruple by-pass. My blood sugar Was uncontrollable because of the meds I have to take every day. My eye sight was starting to go bad. Now that I'm taking Vemma, I have more energy, my eye sight has improved, everyone comments on how the color of my skin has come back, and my blood sugars have all been in the 100 to 200's. I also feel so much better. I believe in this product. And I will do everything in my power to get everyone I know to be taking Vemmaa, not just for our company but for them. I thi! nk everyone should feel this good. I'm not the smartest rock in the road, but I can see how this product will be the next fastest growing supplement on the market. And I want to be the top sales agent you have in the company. I'll need allot of help to get this going. But I see that this company is in it for the long haul. Thank you for my good health David Lee Clark Migraine Headaches VEMMA TESTIMONY of Dora Aldridge from Ohio Although we is not permitted to claim that VEMMA cures ALL Migraine Headaches, you can believe ME, (and I would shout it from the hilltops, can tell you that after many years of suffering with horrendous migraine pain, I have not had a migraine in nearly a month. I averaged one or more per month extreme migraines and several more per month of lesser intensity. Even my hair hurt, and my hair dresser told me many times that it not only straightened the permanent wave right out of my hair, my hair lost life for a period of time after a headache. I was part of a clinical study a local Doctor presented to the Cleveland Clinic of Cleveland, Ohio (world renowned) to study the patterns and experimental treatments for migraines, for which he was awarded National recognition. But he never cured MY headaches. I am new, and I have been taking VEMMA only one month .. thank God my next supply notification was in my email this morning, I was beginning to panic, fearful of running out.) I prayed that my VEMMA would come before I suffered another. If you are among those of us who have spent days bedfast, unable to bear any lights or tolerate the sounds of daily life around us in a state of total non-function because of the excruciating pain of a migraine headaches, then please take my advice and get some VEMMA as quickly as possible. If I were you, I would be running to the nearest VEMMA dealer and buy some today. I am humbly grateful for it s results in my life. I want to shout it from the mountain top! I have experienced other changes as well, like a restful night s sleep, more energy, eyesight is clearer, more mental alertness and simply feeling better than I have in years. My allergies to pets, molds, dust, and fragrances are noticeably improving from week to week. I am looking forward to Spring and Summer this year. How terrific to be able to enter homes of friends and relatives who own pets without an asthma attach to follow. I feel certain that my allergies will be totally disappearing given a little more time on VEMMA. I thank the Lord for steering me to VEMMA, and I Thank you, New Vision International and VEMMA. Dora Aldridge/ Ohio Lung Cancer I have been meaning to forward my story to you for some time now, but I have found it hard to put into words that really say what I have experienced. For the past 2 years I have been battling lung cancer and going through the recovery process of the treatment. Like I have heard said "If the cancer does not kill you the treatment probably will". This rings so true for me, I have not had any treatment for over about 1.5 years, but it has been a long recovery process. I just wasn't getting back on my feet very fast. I was still barely able to walk even 1 block or get through the grocery store or attend school functions my kids were involved in and I wasn`t getting my strength back at all. I was really beginning to ask God why he had healed me of the cancer if all I was going to be able to do is really just be a burden to my family and unable to work to provide for them, as my wife is disabled and unable to hold a job. I was also thinking the family would have been better off collecting the life ins. than having me as another problem to deal with. Then back in October of last year I heard about this new product that was going online the next month. Well , it took some sacrificing to get in the position to get on the product so it was into December before I got started, but it was well worth the wait. Within a week of taking VEMMA I began to notice a real increase in my energy level and a growing sense of well being. These changes continue to grow even to this day, 4 months later. I am now working out 3 to 4 days a week, I am walking 4 to 5 blocks several times a week, I am learning about network marketing and trying to build a business, which is a whole new world for me as most of my work has been farm related and the past 10 yrs. truck driving. I don`t know if I will ever be able to return to the type of work I have done in the past, but I do have a NEW HOPE that I am getting better, I do want to live again and I might have a chance to see my two youngest kids grow up. Please tell B. K. Boreyko thank you for developing such an extraordinary product. For me it`s about having a quality of life I haven`t had for some time and I know it can only get better. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, Marcia and Steven Sansing Energy and Fast Cold Relief I stumbled into mangosteen as I was browsing through the Internet. Mangosteen is known to me since childhood, and I haven't seen them anywhere in the US. It intrigued me. One thing led to another and I ordered the product. I noticed the energy it gave me, and yet I only took one "shot" a day. I can continue work without taking a break after lunch. This is great for me personally. Then my husband developed a nasty cold and he coughed and coughed. I gave him colloidal silver for the flu, but the cough persisted. I had great results with the Vemma but I didn't know what the reaction was going to be for my husband. I advised him to take the "shot", and that "you got nothing to lose except the cough." After three days, I noticed a considerable change as he was not as noisy anymore. A week later the cough was completely gone. We are now believers of the mangosteen product. All that people have to do is try it. They've got nothing to lose, except their "problems." Esther Hepatitis C and Diabetes I am 54 years old. In 1990 I was told to just go home, make a will and enjoy the next 4 years of my life because I would die by 1995. Instead I spent 2 years in depression and drunkenness. I had been diagnosed with Diabetes and Hepatitis C at the same time. Along with the fact that I have been in and out of hospitals since I was 13 years old. In 1991 I died from a virus but was told by a BIG voice, after I got through the tunnel, "I'm not done with you yet, you have a lot of work to do for me." Though I begged and cried I was still sent back. There was 14 of us who died from a virus going around Tucson, I was the one sent back, I had refused to go to the hospital because I wanted to die and be rid of my pain. I made a deal with God in 1993. If He wants me to do more work for Him but not be cured of the diseases & viruses I was carrying then He had better make me stronger in faith and body so I could do His work. In 1996 I went through 18 months of chemo for the HepC, which did not work. Then there was 6 months of withdrawls from the chemo. My mother had moved in with us 9n late 1996 because I was too weak to stand up & cook, I could barely walk. I started trying to medicate myself with herbs, potions & raw food. I got a little stronger but then rheumatoid arthritis started taking over my body. 1998 I broke my right ankle. In 2001, 3 days after burying my only child I broke both bones in my left ankle and crushed my heel. Still I remained faithful to God and did not ask "Why me?", I knew why, it was to show others that no matter how bad life got I could still have a smile on my face and not become bitter, God is in control and I'll accept whatever He put me through. In 2002 I started more program's to help my health, by this time I was on insulin which put 100 pounds on me. Green drinks, more potions, more pills & vitamins, the doctors had nothing to offer me. 2003 I'm off all those and had gone on to Noni Juice, then Goji juice. Again, no real steady improvement. Sure, for about the first 3 months things got better but no one else noticed it, maybe I was just hopefully thinking I was getting better. I could no longer knit, crochet or embroider, pencils fell out of my fingers, it hurt too much to hold on to them, couldn't wrap my fingers around the steering wheel to drive. The pain going up & down steps was almost unbearable between my healed ankles and the arthritis in my hips. Skin cancer had begun on my body in 2000, I had to use a vicious drawing salve to remove them because the doctors wouldn't touch me with the diabetes and the hepatitis. Huge volcanoes of cancer on my face, arms, legs, torso. Then came 2005, a phone call from an old friend who had worked with me in a prior business, Chris Lawton. I ordered the Vemma. I took my first dose the night it came. I woke up 7 hours later, looked in the mirror to see how many band-aids and scabs I had scratched off my face during the night, used to seeing bloody streaks on my face & pillows each morning. WOW!! UNBELIEVABLE !! INCREDIBLE !! PRAISE THE LORD & HALLELUJAH!!! MY FACE WAS FLAT AND NORMAL COLOR, the lava red volcanoes were GONE! The color went from red to pink, from black/blue bruising to grey!! I WAS PRETTY AGAIN!!! MOM, MOM, LOOK AT MY FACE!!! I could go out in public without band-aids and cover-up on my face!! I was dancing for joy! On the 4th day all the scabs fell off my face! On the 7th day I noticed I could make a tight fist with my right hand, it had been several years since I could do that. Over the next few days, for about 10 days, I noticed my kidneys were being cleaned out, then my liver! I had to always clean out my kidneys and liver to keep them healthy so I didn?t have to go on dialysis because of the diabetes and so my liver could stay sort of healthy through the HepC, so it could heal itself should a cure ever be found. During the 2nd week my hips started hurting so bad I could barely walk, Praise God! I knew what it was, the Vemma was taking care of the arthritis, sure enough, 2 days later not a bit of pain! Since 1983 I have had no hope of being healthy, since 1991 I had no hope of living but death was better anyway. Since 1992 I knew I had to live but didn?t know how to face the trials of my health. Now, in 1995 I finally have a future and am looking forward to living, working for the Lord and sharing Vemma with everyone, no matter how healthy they think they are! Linda Diggs Mental Clarity and Heartburn Four months ago, I was barely able to function physically in terms of everyday tasks like housecleaning, grocery shopping, working my home business, and singing on the praise and worship team at church. This was due to a heart condition that can no longer be effectively treated with traditional drug therapy or corrective surgery as it once had six years ago. My friend, Leanne Knapp, introduced me to Vemma. I had already tried every natural remedy, seen dozens of physicians and alternative health care practitioners. Thousands of out-of-pocket dollars had been spent and I felt it couldn't hurt to try 'one more thing'. After my first day on Vemma, I had 12-14 hours of mental clarity! My energy was remarkably improved. At first, I thought it might be a fluke....that it wouldn't last. Thankfully I was wrong! Within that first week of taking Vemma, my heartburn, acid reflux and extraordinary fatigue were gone. My husband tried Vemma and said it tasted too good to be vitamins! His mental clarity and energy increased tremendously within his first few days on the product and he is very healthy overall. Now, neither of us will travel or leave home without Vemma! I was so impressed that I started telling people I knew who struggled with chronic illness about Vemma and became a distributor. At first, to help Leanne. In short order, I realized I was helping myself with a great business opportunity and improving health. Now, I'm working out regularly and living a full life - not just existing - thanks to God's grace and Vemma! My heart condition no longer controls my body - Vemma does! The biggest bonus is that now I have a genuine business opportunity that truly changes people's lives for the better physically and financially. As a member of Gary Kurtz' Millionaire Training program, I look forward to being a top producer for Vemma and bringing good things back to the company and people who have changed my life. Gary has also been instrumental in re-designing my fitness goals which goes to show that Vemma members are not just about making money. It's about the bigger picture. I've been a lawyer, corporate trainer, PR specialist and more. After 30 years in business, Vemma is the ticket to financial freedom and superior health. The only question left: Who do I need to tell about Vemma today? Very Best Wishes, Andi Buerger Migraine Headaches I used to get three to four severe migraines a month. I've been getting these since I was around 10 years old. These were the full-blown aura and vomit inducing kind. Some would last for days. I've been to many doctors and nobody has a definite answer to it. The only answer that all of them had has been to prescribe some medication and that was that. I have grown up watching my mother suffer from these same migraines. She is frequently in the hospital emergency room or self-inducing Imitrex shots. I decided a long time ago that I would not take medications. They are not the solution. Two months ago I was introduced to mangosteen. Ever since then I have not had a single episode. I had my mother start taking it as well and she also has not had one since either. Brett T. Disclaimer: The Vemma Nutrition System is a food supplement. It is not intended to treat or cure any condition. The Vemma Corporation does make claims regarding of the use of this product. When given the proper nutrition, the body has the ability to heal itself. It is suggested you consult with your health care professional during the use of any nutritional supplement.
Craftie Linda

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Re: Testimonials for MANGOSTEEN products
12/27/2005 5:29:56 AM
Beth Thanks for the invite The postage/shipping can be very expensive Happy New Year Please go to my new years resolutions Linda
Beth Schmillen

134 Posts
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Re: Testimonials for MANGOSTEEN products
1/9/2006 12:54:31 AM
Hi Linda -- thanks for posting. I don't know how you manage to post everywhere. Yes, Shipping to the UK and overseas is costly. I agree. As I understand it, they may be working on this, I'll let you know as soon as I hear more about it from Vemma headquarters! for anyone else who happens to see this posting! vemma is free shipping us & canada. Linda, just keep eating your fruits & veges ok? :) Drink juices! Most of us pay for the convenience of it besides the health benefits. But if - god forbid - you have a serious illness - it has been shown there are genuine results. Xango is also excellent. Maybe that would be more in your budget? Beth

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