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The U.N. United Nations Is Dangerous - Get Your Country Out
10/16/2010 5:11:30 AM
The U.N. United Nations

This is the most corrupt organization on earth.

They they have wasted trillions of dollars and achieved almost nothing in over 50 years.

Now they want a One World Government.

They are trying to achieve this by stealth.

Listen to these Audio interviews.

Alan Jones talks to Lord Monckton, British climate change sceptic, who says the Copenhagen treaty is about creating a world government

Alan Jones talks to Dr Richard Lindzen - Massachusetts Institute of
Technology – atmospheric physicist – regarding the global warming scam.


RE: The U.N. United Nations Is Dangerous - Get Your Country Out
7/19/2011 11:59:59 AM
Hello All

The U.N. is controlled by this man George Soros.

His money and influence also placed Barrack Obama in power.


RE: The U.N. United Nations Is Dangerous - Get Your Country Out
8/16/2011 10:29:44 AM

Two Good Forum To Visit

Who Can You Trust to Tell the Truth??

Here is a formula to fix the U.S. and World economy. Fast
RE: The U.N. United Nations Is Dangerous - Get Your Country Out
8/22/2011 11:22:42 AM
The United Nations Are Trying To Impose Regulations To Control The Worlds Population.

Even though they are unelected officials and have no authority to interfere in other nations business.

Contact your local council and State and Federal Parliament members and tell them you want out of AGENDA 21 George Soros Once Again

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or Real Threat?

Agenda 21: what is it? [updated]

See if your Council has signed on.