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Mr. D

840 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Mass Exposure
5/10/2010 11:55:39 AM

Great day to you and I just wanted to introduce myself.
I enjoy meeting and sharing ideas with new and old friends. Networking, playing my guitar, fishing, and working on my computer are my other passions.
Write me a line when you have time, I would enjoy hearing from you.

Now...Let me introduce you to the Hottest New Social Networking Site on the Internet.
"YourNight" Social Media Site Will be the largest platform built for all Professionals.
It has a Blogging Profile that has unlimited entry's, and it is a very powerful marketing tool.
Fully customized for you individuals needs.

You should be writing articles in your Blogging profile where it is on the World Wide Web.
The Next Generation in Social Media Networking is "YourNight"
Creating customizable Profiles integrated with search engine optimization.
Created for Business, Friends, Networking, Professionals, and Entertainers.

You know the power of article writing and blogging to get exposure
and links back to your sites, RIGHT? Now you get it all,
and listed in all major search engines. Write about your great
success with your life or anything that you write about or want
to share with your own tags and keywords.
The Groups here are OK, but there is no SEO built into them.
Multiple Blogging with Search Engine Optimization.

Thank you for adding me
Be sure to log-in everyday and check the white board for updates
and schedules for Webinars. Go Gold and
share business and networking Ideas.
Mark Dewey
Delton, Michigan

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