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Say nice things to you about you
4/27/2010 3:50:31 PM

Everyday, all day long, we talk to ourselves in our heads. We carry on "inner" conversations with ourselves about many things, including what we think about ourselves. Much of what we say in these"inner" conversation is critical: "You idiot." "you loser." I can't...." "im not as good as...." "why i should I bother to even try?" This kind of talk hurts us more than we realize.

Although you've been doing this for years, you can change the conversation. It does not have to be critical. in fact, it can be supportive and encouraging. For example, you say to yourself, "I may fail at certain things sometimes, but that does not mean I am a failure." " I do some things well." A nice motto to keep in mind goes like this: "I will be patient with myself because God isn't finished with me yet."


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