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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/24/2017 8:59:27 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Brought To You By The Letter A

Dear Ones,

Divine Light has blasted the foundations of your past programming leaving you feeling untethered to all that you have known. It is now time for creating a practical grounding for the base of your new reality.

This moment in time is brought to you by the Letter A.

You have been asking to live in Abundance. Abundance includes living with a sense of pure Beauty using specific tools that raise your vibrational frequency so that your heart and mind are uplifted. From this place you are inspired to create a new foundation that grounds you into a fuller sense of Wellbeing. The Light Field of Abundance can then bless every area of your life with more Freedom and Expansiveness.

Abundance can playfully create the base chakra connection that allows you to be dancing in the pure flow of joyful awakening – A-Bun-Dance – as you stabilize the new foundations that will serve you as you move forward into new life. This playful attitude helps to bring you into the Light Field of Alignment with your Highest Soul’s Reality.

Whatever the question, Alignment is the answer.

Alignment is a powerful sense of being connected to the Source of All Life. Alignment gives you an empowered anchoring system that helps you ground all your old, worn-out patterns into the Earth as compost for your new life. Alignment give you a foundation that can be likened to the spreading root system of a massive tree, anchored and safe in the Winds of Change. You can stay in balance when you are in vertical Alignment with the Light of Source energy working in and through your life.

From this place you can Allow yourself to flow with the changes that life brings you on the Path of Mastery.

Allow the flow of the River of All Creation to work through you. In this flow of Light you are connected to the Divine Feminine energy and can Allow new levels of receptivity to open you to the Law of Grace working in your life. You Allow yourself to wait in your heart for the inspiration that spurs you into Alignment with action that is in perfect Divine Timing.

Allowing saves you from trying to row upstream in the River of All Creation. Instead you are able to relax and receive as you Allow the flow of Grace to work in and through you.

At this time you and all humanity, are in an Awakening process that is like nothing you have experienced before. You are learning to co-create a new life in every moment with your choices.

As you Allow yourself to be grounded in a new foundation of Wellbeing, you become a Sacred Vessel to hold the frequencies of the Light of Abundance flowing through you. Your grounded foundation empowers you to stay in Alignment from Heaven and Earth within your physical body.

From this place of Alignment you can Allow yourself to be loved and supported in new ways and be blessed with the Benevolent Outcomes you desire to create in life on the new Earth opening within you. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
February 21, 2017

“Archangel Gabriel: Brought To You By The Letter A,” Channeled by Shanta Gabriel, February 21, 2017, at

Shanta Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/24/2017 9:03:22 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/23/2017

will's picture

I can only show you the way to find your own answer. Truth liberates, but it has to be your own.

Otherwise, if it is somebody else's, truth binds. Jesus Christ's truth, Mohammed's truth, Buddha's truth, have all become prisons. I don't want my truth to become a prison for anybody.

I want my truth to be an inspiration.

I want my truth to trigger something in you which is yours.

My truth simply gives you an assurance that a human being, just like you, can attain to truth.

That will give you immense respect towards yourself. You will not feel unworthy sinners, that somebody has to come to save you - some Christ, some Buddha has to come, and then you will be saved. You don't have to wait for anybody to save you. You are born saved, just a little insight .... If my presence can do that, then my work is finished.

I don't want to become a prison around you.

I want to become a freedom around you, an open sky around you, not a golden cage - so that you can open your wings and feel the joy of flying higher and higher towards the stars.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/24/2017 9:05:43 PM

‘The Team’ via Peggy Black: Transform The Shadow of the Collective

We are here to honor and to celebrate your awakening. These are the times of a new cycle, a new beginning. We invite you to commit to the process of ascension that is unfolding.

Yes, we understand that what you are witnessing and observing does not meet your ideal of ascension. Yet we remind you that this planet will not and cannot ascend until the dense misqualified energies have been transformed.

We can almost hear the collective moan when this statement is read. We know that you have been actively doing your best for many experiences on the timeline to shift the collective consciousness and anchor a reality that is life sustaining for all.

We acknowledge you for your true dedication and continued service to this global process. It is that focused dedication and service that has flushed these hidden, often suppressed, misqualified energies to the surface.

These emotional patterns and attitudes of fear, self-righteousness, prejudice and anger have always been an aspect of the human energy field, as have a sense of lack, of unworthiness, not good enough, less than, hopelessness and helplessness.

Now more than ever these very energy qualities are being brought to the forefront, to center stage of your current time. Most of these misqualified energies and patterns have been hidden, denied and suppressed by each and every individual. There are those who will act out these emotional energies in a covert, manipulative and often unconscious manner. In doing so, they truly distort and use their creative abilities in harmful and life suppressing actions.

These dense misqualified emotional energies are often referred to as the shadow of the individual. They have been a part of the human consciousness since the beginning of your timeline. Remember this planet is a planet of duality, of opposites. So this hologame has offered the choices of good/bad, right/wrong, love/fear, separateness/oneness, light/dark, life-sustaining/life-diminishing.

Every earthwalker on this planet is a multidimensional being of divine consciousness, choosing to enter this timeframe and play out these emotions. You understand that everyone is empathic, sensitive and able to feel the energy fields surrounding them. However, most individuals are totally unaware that they are feeling, responding to and acting out the emotions of those around them, of the collective field.

So just imagine for a moment, as a divine being you entered this quantum field of energy called earth. You agreed to come to this dimension and reality to assist, to shift and uplift consciousness. You were actually excited to have the opportunity to experience misqualified energies and with your skills and awareness to transform them.

You wanted once again to experience the sensations of having a physical form and to bring forth your unique gifts and understanding acquired from other realms and dimensions. You wanted to continue your work and service in assisting the ascension process for this planet and humanity.

From your non-physical divine awareness you understood that this is a dimension of opposites, which has and does create dense misqualified energy, unlike your unlimited divine self of oneness. You were also aware that once you embodied a physical form there was usually a veil of forgetfulness that would cloud your true understanding as a sentient.

Yet your divine gifts remain available, so upon entering this reality as an infant, sensitive, empathic, and telepathic you immediately are immersed in the vibrations that surrounded you.

As a child, you were feeling all the emotions being offered in your home or surroundings and yet not remembering how to deal with them or transform them. However, as an empathic being you literally take on the misqualified emotions and patterns of those around you. You quickly learned to shut them off, repress them, or deny them.

Then those misqualified energies, those emotional patterns can and do get stored in the tissues, bones, cells and organs of the physical body. This human behavior has been constant for ages.

Now there is an awakening. The shadow selves, the repressed emotions, of individuals are surfacing, they are being triggered, they are being acted out. Remember emotions are contagious.

These misqualified emotions of anger, injustice, prejudice, fear, unfairness, inequality and suppression are arising fully to be bathed in the light of true understanding.
Each and every enlightened multidimensional being is an alchemist here to transform all the misqualified, painful repressed patterns and emotions they acquired from their life experience. They are to own their shadow self of repressed emotions acquired from others and from their life experiences.

As an alchemist, you personally have the birthright and the responsibility to transmute, to convert all incoherent emotions of pain, sorrow, rage, violence, rejection, of being unloved or abandoned into coherent emotions of understanding, forgiveness, peace, honor, respect and love.

This is the moment in which you are most powerful. This is the moment that you desire to transform and uplift. When you feel any emotion that would be considered misqualified or using your term, negative, know without a doubt that you are energetically linked, entrained, and connected to the larger vibrational field of that peculiar feeling or pattern that has been generated and offered by others.

Without judgment or hesitation, simply realize that some of your old repressed emotions have been triggered or activated. We invite you to step into your true essence as a divine agent of conscious light and transmute, release, the misqualified/negative energy you are feeling. This is the power of your remembering and owning that you are here in this dimension to do this very work.

Each and every time you clear some personal prejudice, release some personal fear, each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to forgiveness, love or gratitude, you are doing global work on a personal level.

There are many ways to transmute your own shadow of negative memories, emotions and experiences. It is the willingness and the intention. There are many processes and techniques are available for this very important task. The use of sound is most effective.

As an alchemist, remember to state “I am fully embodied, anchored to the planet and always connected to Divine Source.” Place you awareness in your heart, call upon divine beings to witness and support you as you transform the misqualified/negative energy you are feeling or are focused upon. Know that you are truly connected to the larger collective field of that emotion.

Now, in the sacred space you have just created, give the misqualified/negative emotions a sound. The expression of emotions using pure sound vibrations, much like the delete button on your computers, is a method to clear old emotions that have been stored in your body file. Perhaps as a child you acquired or took on some emotional pattern from your parents, from others or from a painful experience you did not understand at the time.

Expressing these old yet active emotions with sound vibrations can truly clear them. Once the old emotion is cleared, remember to name the new emotion you desire in its place. Perhaps it is peace or forgiveness or grace. Now sound that emotion. Be sure to acknowledge yourself for this work, thank the divine beings who witnessed this transformation.

Know without a doubt that you have also cleared some aspect of the collective misqualified/negative shadow of humanity and replaced those patterns of emotions with a more coherent frequency.

This is the service of a master. This is the power and practice of an alchemist. Remember you are here to transmute and transform energy through the alchemical chalice of your heart.

We honor you with our deepest gratitude for this work. You are a very important aspect of this process of ascension. All divine beings are available upon your invitation.

the ‘team’

©2017 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.comFREE 88 messages available

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/24/2017 9:08:34 PM

Thrive! Thrive! Thrive!

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

You are here on Earth for far more than to survive. Survive has taken on the meaning of barely making it through, just getting by, going through great trials perhaps, running through a gauntlet, or crawling through a desert and not dying of thirst. Surviving, as it is understood today, isn't much, perhaps hanging on by your teeth. In My book, surviving isn't meant to mean hanging on by your teeth.

Super in Latin carried the meaning of super, over, above, more. Vivere means to live. Survive meant far greater than mere survival. Let's substitute the word thrive. It is My desire that you thrive on Earth.

I put it to you that you are to enjoy your sojourn, not make the best of it as it is understood, but to have a good time as you learn the ins and outs of living on Earth. Making the best of dreariness is not My dream for you. My dream for you is opening up the sky for you and embracing you to Me and Our Kingdom of Heaven.

Set your sights higher. You are meant to lift the world. You can do this by living in Joy, in Joy for the good of all. By no means are you to relinquish Joy – to give it up or to never have it as if this were by some stretch of the imagination good for your soul.

There is no merit in lackluster. There is no merit in suffering. There is merit in Joy. How can you give Joy unless you have Joy within you to give?

Hear Me clearly: I have never thought much of suffering. I never thought it was a wonderful thing. I never wanted you to appropriate suffering. I gave you Earth as a garden for you to tend.

With enough Joyous Gardeners of Earth, what could Earth be? It would be the Garden of Eden. Why not? Why couldn't Earth be a Fulfillment of My Desire?

You may be waiting for Me to wave a magic wand so you will see the Glory of Heaven on Earth. The magic wand for you to wave is Joy, Love for goodness, and simply Love. All that is needed for All Beauty on Earth to Arise is you, Beloveds.

I prod you. I say this in a hundred different ways. Re-purpose yourself on Earth, and you will spontaneously create Heaven on Earth for all to partake of.

There are no slugabeds in Our Kingdom. Yes, on Earth, there are slugabeds. A slugabed is someone who stays asleep and waits for another to make a Difference in the World.

If you truly want to change the world and not rant and rave at it, then add your Joy to the pile. You have your own range of influence. Right where you are, you can be a leader of this Enterprise called Joy.

If you are bedridden, you have a range of influence.

Regardless of your situation, regardless of what the world thinks of you, the influence you have is Infinite. Be you a murderer on death row, you can influence the world in the ways I seek. Each person on Earth is already influencing the world. If you have previously smeared the world, you can now brighten it. Your medium is Joy. Paint the world with Joy.

No matter what, you leave your mark. Leave the mark you wish to leave. Welcome Joy and give it away. You are a part of a throng of woe, or you are a part of a throng of Joy. No one needs your adherence to the past. Light the present.

Be Joy, Beloveds. Love the world and uplift it. Create Joy. I say you can make all the difference in the world, and you can make all the difference to the world.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2017 6:13:23 PM

GaiaPortal 2-24-17… “Preliminary constructs become clear, and are manifested in fullness”

gaiaportal_logo297The preliminary constructs may refer to the New Gaia, or even the “New Human”. “Mortifications” I take to mean, “feelings of shame, humiliation, or wounded pride”. We are releasing those.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Preliminary constructs become clear, and are manifested in fullness

Preliminary constructs become clear, and are manifested in fullness.

Heavens of the masses are unveiled for the nothingness they are.

Portals of Levitations come to all who request.

Mortification paradigms are recognized, and dissolve.

Time shares are granted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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