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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2016 1:01:53 AM

An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy – Part 1/2

Sri Yukteswar Giri

Reposted from Dec. 2010

In his Sept. 11, 2010 message, Matthew said: “The truth is [that] religions were devised to keep you from knowing who you truly are, to keep you ignorant of the universal laws, and to create divisiveness within the populace.” (1)

So bad did the situation of religious division become that, SaLuSa tells us, “throughout your history, religious battles have been at the root of many wars.” (2)

As I understand it, in many of these wars, the controllers funded both sides.

The division and manipulation that Matthew and SaLuSa are referring to are not born of the Truth itself but of a desire to control.

Paramahansa Yogananda explained that religions may argue with each other but “men of realization who have the common knowledge of the same truth do not contradict one another.” It is not they who create dissension. “Their disciples of limited understanding create differences and establish different cults with varying beliefs.” (3)

Having seen the Truth of life, the masters searched for words to describe it to the people of their time. The Truth that lay beyond words and beyond religions has been called the “perennial philosophy” or “ageless wisdom.” One group called it the “divine wisdom” or theosophia. Another called it the “eternal law” orsanathana dharma.

Paramahansa Yogananda’s guru, Sri Yukteswar Giri explained it this way:

“There is an essential unity in all religions; … there is no difference in the truths inculcated by the various faiths; … there is but one method by which the world, external and internal, has evolved; and … there is but one Goal admitted by all scriptures.” (4)

“Only a few specially gifted persons can rise superior to the influence of their professed creeds and find absolute unanimity in the truths propagated by all great faiths.” (5)

Aldous Huxley devoted his life to an explication of it. In one of his statements of it, he developed the notion:

“Philosophia perennis — the phrase was coined by Leibniz; but the thing — the metaphysic that recognizes a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man’s final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being — the thing is immemorial and universal.”

It was to be found wherever humans pondered the meaning and purpose of life.

“Rudminents of the Perennial Philosophy may be found among the traditionary lore of primitive peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions. A version if this Highest Common Factor in all preceding and subsequent theologies was first committed to writing more than twenty-five centuries ago, and since that time the inexhaustible theme has been treated again and again, from the standpoint of every religious tradition and in all the principle languages of Asia and Europe.” (6)

He never tired of taking up the theme.

“In Vedanta and Hebrew prophecy, in the Tao Teh King and the Platonic dialogues, in the Gospel according to St. John and Mahayana theology, in Plotinus and the Areopagite, among the Persian Sufis and the Christian mystics of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance — the Perennial Philosophy has spoken almost all the languages of Asia and Europe and has made use of the terminology and traditions of every one of the higher religions. …

“The records left by those who have known [the pure state described by the Perennial Philosophy] make it abundantly clear that all of them, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Hebrew, Taoist, Christian or Mohammedan, were attempting to describe the same essentially indescribable Fact.” (7)

This one great Fact of life is known in a moment of enlightenment. Enlightenment itself became known by many names in diverse religions, as John White explains.

“Enlightenment has been given many names. … St. Paul called it ‘the peace of God that passeth understanding’ and Richard Maurice Bucke named it ‘cosmic consciousness.’ In Zen it is satori, in yoga it is samadhi or moksha, in Sufism it is fana, in Taoism it is wu or The Ultimate Tao. Gurdjieff labelled it ‘objective consciousness,’ Sri Aurobindo spoke of the Supermind, mystery schools and occult paths speak of ‘illumination,’ ‘liberation,’ and ‘self-realization.’

Hazrat Inayat Khan

“Likewise, enlightenment has been symbolized by many images: the thousand-petalled lotus of Hinduism, the Holy Grail of Christianity, the clear mirror of Buddhism, Judaism’s Star of David, the yin-yang circle of Taoism, the mountaintop, the swan, the still lake, the mystic rose, the eternal flame.” (8)

But the Truth discovered in enlightenment was not different for the people who found it. Said White:

“The perennial wisdom is unchanging; truth is one. That is agreed on by the sages of all major religions and sacred traditions, all hermetic philosophies, genuine mystery schools and higher occult paths. Enlightenment is the core truth of them all.

“Even more broadly, it is the essence of life — the goal of all growth, development, evolution. It is the discovery of what we ultimately are, the answer to the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is life all about?” (9)

While masters are many, Sufi sage Hazrat Inayat Khan said, the One who incarnates as all masters remains always the same.

“The Masters have been numberless since the creation of man; they have appeared with different names and forms; but He alone was disguised in them who is the only Master of eternity.” (10)

“If the Masters were not the same in mortal garb, yet in spirit they were one; if it were not so, how could one and the same truth be disclosed in all?” (11)

Each new era and country needed the truth restated, says Hazrat.

“Their messages differ from one another in their outer appearances, each message being given in accordance with the age of man’s evolution, and also in order to add a particular part in the course of divine wisdom. Certain laws and principles were prescribed by them to suit the country where the message was given, the climate, the period, customs, manners and requirements.” (12)

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010, at

(2) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2010, at

(3) Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ. Dallas: Amrita Foundation, 1979-86, II, 10.

(4) Sri Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1984, 3.

(5) Ibid., 4.

(6) Aldous Huxley in The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, vii.

(7) Aldous Huxley, “Introduction” to Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 11-2. [Hereafter BG.]

(8) John White, “Introduction” to his What is Enlightenment? Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984 xvi-xvii.

(9) Ibid., xi.

(10) Hazrat Inayat Khan, Way of Illumination. Delhi, etc.: Motilal Banarsidass, 1988, 31.

(11) Loc. cit.

(12) Ibid., 33.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2016 1:04:45 AM

All the Elements of Earth

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

The Universe is calling to you. Do you think that it isn't? Your impulses come from somewhere. While you are on Earth, you are on call, beloveds.

There is not a moment that I am not with you. I am always embracing you. The Universe longs for you as well.

Stars do indeed blink at you. Winds do brush past you. Birds sing, and birds do sing to you. Hearts call out to you. All the elements of Earth connect to you. You connect to all the elements. No one on Earth is separate.

Oneness can be referred to in many ways. Nature is naturally sustainable. Nature sustains you, and you sustain nature. All is reciprocal. The air you breathe encircles the world. There is nothing that is not connected. Souls, yes, of course, and the physical and all dimensions, known and unknown, as well.

Water flows. The water you drink comes from many aspects and thousands of miles away. Millenniums of miles away. Oh, yes, Earth is your planet, and it is fueled by the stars, and it is fueled by other planets, and plants as well. Interrelated is everything. There are no exceptions.

You are made of essences from everyone, and everyone is also made of essences of you. You trade atoms and molecules with everyone else, past and present.

No man is an island transcends many meanings.

You are Vastness. And you are Infinity. Yes, hearts touch. All levels of existence touch.

There is more on Heaven and Earth than has been dreamed of or uttered. Your pulse affects another pulse. Your thoughts affect others' thoughts. Who are you? You are everyone at the same time as there is no one else in the world like you.

You are far greater than you credit yourself. And you are not yourself alone.

You are wonderment. You are the seeker who seeks yourself and everyone else while you are at it.

The furthermost star is you and right with you. It has reached you, and you have reached it.

There is nothing that is not possible. There is nothing that has not been or will not be. There is nowhere you have not been. You are everywhere and everything. You have an idea of this. You have seen yourself before somewhere.

You bear a thousand names. Everyone who ever was is also you. No one is solitary. Everyone is public domain. All are related, and all are One. There is no one you have not met.

What you have forgotten, you will remember. What you remember, you will forget. You will be here, and you will be there. And, yet, you are nowhere.

You meet yourself everywhere. You forget yourself everywhere. Everywhere on Earth, I am speaking of. You know that something more is up in Heaven.

Your voice carries. It returns to you. Your voice sings to the birds. You are the lion's roar. Each Being furthers other Beings. Even the Unknown is known.

I know you. I have always known you. You know Me as well. On clear days, you know Me as your Self.

Life is grounded, and life is magic. You are magic and magical. You swirl around the Universe that calls to you.

You ask, „What is happening?“. You are happening, beloveds. Life is happening. Love is happening. Love surmounts all.

You are love whether you are aware or not. Whatever you may think of yourself, no matter what, no matter when, you are love whispering to love.

Love is more than you think or can believe. Love is Oneness. What else is there to say?

Where are you going, and where have you been? Where did you come from, and what are you about? What are you going to do about it, and when? When do you recognize yourself and fly from heart to heart? When do you know yourself, and when do you not? When do you not know Me? Never.

When do you flee? And when do you speak? And when are you silent? And when did you first appear? And now you never leave. Hello, Myself.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2016 1:06:36 AM

Family of Light

paradiseFamily of Light volunteers are on Earth to aid in planetary change and transformation. They are to bring in or ‘remember’ high levels of information, guidance and awareness…and most importantly to anchor the energy of unconditional love. This is to aid in raising the overall energy of the planet. Much of the information given to the planet is not new to you, it acts to stir memory, and to remind you of what you have known before. It is time to remember your mission on Earth, what you are to do, who you truly are.

You are incarnated upon Earth at this time to help create a high level of light, unconditional love, knowledge, willingness to grow, and to aid in the shifting of consciousness needed for the planet. In this lifetime, you are to reclaim your power, ability and knowledge.

Due to the roles, as Family of Light volunteers, the reasons behind your being on Earth will differ from those given in standard Earth teachings. You are highly developed beings of spirit, light, and power. Before you came to Earth, you were physical in other realities, of higher levels of dimensionality than third dimensional Earth. Therefore, growth to that previous level is NOT NECESSARY. It is only necessary to REMEMBER AND RECLAIM YOUR POWER AND ABILITY.

You, who are Family of Light, are well-trained masters of disguise. You excel and thrive on adventure, challenge, going into areas of “darkness” and purposefully forgetting who you are — and then remembering who you are at the proper time. Some of you have been on many missions with Family of Light, and others are on your first mission.

Each of you have had lifetimes specifically designed to go “deeper” and “deeper” into the density on Earth. This is planned to create an understanding of areas of difficulty and the level of darkness (lack of knowledge or connection to the God Force) upon the planet. To truly understand, you must BE of and experience a reality. To truly create change, you must have understanding.

Through the lifetimes you have had on Earth, there have been several areas of focus and accomplishment:

Personal growth and development on a spiritual level, through lifetimes planned for growth, understanding, and awareness. Strong understanding of Earth reality, how it works, the challenges, the beliefs. Changes in the history and people of Earth were created to allow for a stronger probability of planetary ascension.

At a point in the history of Earth, Prime Creator became concerned over probabilities for Earth. There was concern for planetary well being, free will and the growth patterns of individuals who lived on the planet. There was lessening light and knowledge upon the planet. Prime Creator decided that Family of Light would be called in to help create a new reality for Earth, and avoid the probability of self destruction and eventual planetary destruction by those on the planet.

Other groups of volunteers and individuals desiring to help had come into the reality of Earth at various times to attempt to spread light and knowledge, however many of these became “stuck” in the illusion of third dimensional reality. Many of these were themselves in need of assistance.

All of this led Prime Creator in this decision. As always, when a mission for Family of Light is decided upon by Prime Creator, a call is resounded. This is done through a sound or energy wave, which is given by Prime Creator. It is intended to resonate with those of a high level of integrity, focus upon light, willingness to serve, and willingness to sacrifice personal plan.

There must be love of adventure, time travel, challenge, and experimentation. There must be willingness to experience a wide variety of realities, and play a wide variety of roles. Those who felt this call were brought to an area used by the Council of Light for these purposes.

In this area, information was given: about this mission, need to sacrifice or leave the current lifetime situation, and the possible dangers. At that point, another call was resounded, and those who still wished to respond based on that level of knowledge which had been shared, were retained. Others were returned to the lifetimes in progress. Those who volunteered for this mission, then ended the physical lifetimes that were in progress, and remained in spirit, for a period of training.

Those who had previously been on Family of Light missions and volunteered again had previous knowledge and experience. These served as teachers for those who were “new” volunteers. Among those who volunteered were those from all planets, all realities and a number of angels. Angels were chosen in a different way, a way of selection rather than choice. As was done for each Family of Light mission, a number of angels, from those who served under each Archangel and each level, were chosen for representation.

For each Family of Light mission, it is necessary to volunteer again. Once a mission is completed, one is freed from that commitment. Training is given in knowledge, awareness, abilities, planning and methods of impact.

Changes in Earth history were to be done carefully, with planning and delicacy. It was necessary to have understanding of Earth time, and methods that would be used in creating changes in Earth reality. Planning was done by those with high levels of knowledge and expertise in areas of time, impact, and creation of gentle change.

It was not planned to have Family of Light members incarnate into lifetimes of important historical figures and make major changes in Earth history. Instead, it was planned to incarnate in small groups into time periods, cities, and situations. Those in each group would find one another through the assistance of spirit guides at points in these lives to aid one another in various ways.

Change was created by bringing in new ideas, flexibility and awareness to the lifetimes and roles that were chosen. This would create shifting of mass consciousness and create change slowly. Changes were created in many time periods, by sending groups into different time periods. This allowed impact to be made throughout history, without limitations of time.

Between lifetimes, you have experienced group incarnation planning periods. You have worked to select who would incarnate in which groups for each lifetime period. You have worked with many who are Family of Light, and experienced many scenarios with these.

At times, you chose to incarnate into families together and experience those roles with one another. Other times, marriage, friendships, or other relationships were planned. At times, you have killed one another to create awareness or teach those around you of injustice, equality, and morality. Many situations were created to cause questioning and awareness among others.

Much of the role playing and exchanging was to aid in creating, planning and selecting roles for this lifetime. Much thought was given to this lifetime, the family you chose, the body, sex, and personality characteristics which were important and needed. Most choose to create scenarios likely to create a desire for spiritual growth and awareness. All of you chose certain encoded personality traits to ensure awakening. You planned to “be born into” a wide range of realities, locations, and family types to ensure a wide range of affect of your light upon Earth situations and realities.

Each of you, along with higher self, chose a role or ability to focus upon in this lifetime. This was based on abilities and talents developed in other lifetimes as these abilities would be easily “recultivated”. You who were often healers, are again healers. Those who have often been teachers, leaders, or energy, technology or communication workers and developers are again working in these areas.

Spiritual partners in relationships may be mates who worked well with you. Many planned to allow for the development of abilities, awareness, and knowledge before finding one another. This allows you to work with releasing past relationship patterns before connecting with the spiritual partner in this lifetime. There are many planned connections with those from past lifetimes, who had strong emotional bonds or attachments which needed releasing. Often these connections and relationships were planned to occur before the stronger, more supportive relationships.

There are many aspects of being a Family of Light volunteer, understanding some of these and having knowledge of your history as a volunteer is intended to aid you in accomplishing your mission.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2016 5:39:15 PM


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Leo/Virgo 11:23 am ET/3:23 pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: immerse in the present moment while simultaneously seeing signs of the future

True Alignments: different in the light of a new day, within reach, strongly grounded, prescience and premonitions, mysteries, ancient knowledge, creativity, producing, respect, novel ideas, pacing oneself, lasting achievements, sharing feelings, important conversations

Catalysts for Change: refusing solace, lost, ignoring other's or one's own needs, ungrounded, sudden changes (these are for the best), denial of the truth, fear of failure, holding on tightly to the past at the expense of the present and future, super-competitive, only taking and never giving, premature, suppressing expression, sacrificing individuality or not expressing/recognizing uniqueness, transferring or projecting negative feelings onto others

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "an evening lawn party of adults" (gathering, reflecting, expanded perceptions, ease)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (the course of humanity's renaissance)

As we study the Sabian symbols today, we are much like the symbol for the degree Mercury is discharging: "a man gaining secret knowledge from a scroll he is reading."

This "scroll" is interesting because it reveals the nature of the energies of Life. It gives the "code" or "play book" of how life evolves. In combination with knowledge of the cycles of the stars, we have something powerful.

Today, this knowledge tells us that Spirit/the Information Field/the Source Field/the Mind of Gaia Sophia will foreshadow the future, specifically March 2017, the most critical month of the solar-lunar year. That month will be the last one for the current astrological year - the Year of the Magic Carpet Ride.

The ride ends but the race begins, as the Sabian symbol for that lunar month will be "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed." Today gives us a glimpse of what is likely to be in store for us during the pivotal "march of March" and beyond into the next solar-lunar year. (The next solar-lunar/astrological year begins on March 27, 2017.)

Last January, I saw ahead with this symbol and what I saw was war. At that time, I saw the core elements of it as more of higher consciousness "overtaking" or "surpassing" archontic consciousness or lower-level consciousness. In what appeared to be a fierce overtaking of one wave over another, the Light side won.

Now, in light of current events, we see the potential loom of world war. We will want to watch the headlines, situations, and circumstances in the world closely today, as they are imprinting into the energetic of "a jockey..." The Earth is located at this degree in the sky today, and thus today's themes will repeat in a bigger way during the entire month of March. The same is true of the events in our individual lives. Today foretells.

Knowledge empowers.

Within this, today we also have the following themes:

1- EXPRESS - The word has several meanings, all of which are highlighted in today's energies. As an adjective, "express" means clear-cut, concrete, definitive, distinct, explicit, especial, peculiar, precise, set, specific, and unequivocal (i.e. "an express set of beliefs").

As a verb, "express" can mean to announce, declare, proclaim, say, broadcast, circulate, disseminate, publish, write, speak up, communicate, convey, and offer (i.e. "express a sentiment").

Following the energetics, one of the words in these two lists should spark something for you. Which one is it?

The Sun is "expressing" the energetic of "an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing." In this symbol, we assume the painting starts out as a draft through a drawing. The painter is expressing the concept for the painting first through a simpler method, in preparation and in order to capture the idea.

When this energetic is in effect, it is a good idea to "get it all out."

2- ALL IN - As we are "getting it all out," at the same time we are "going all in," with the Earth, as mentioned, discharging the "jockey spurs his horse to great speed" energetic. We want to put all we can into something today, if it is important to us.

3- FLUCTUATIONS - At 1:17 pm ET/5:17 pm UT, Venus will move from "the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh" to "the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed." Both symbols relate to movement, translating, transferring, and transmuting. The transfer or transition between these two energetics can be ungrounding (and grounding is THE MOST important thing in order to stay sane - and I do mean that literally - now. Connecting or sitting with a tree works quickly.). So the energetics may be a little jarring while Venus moves from one degree to the other. The "dawn of a new day" always brings new options and possibilities, all designed now to be in service of MAKING THINGS BETTER.

The day is rather complicated and may become emotional as we build toward tomorrow's New Moon, which occurs opposite of Neptune. Tomorrow we begin the energetic of "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows." Nice.

But today, we see ahead. We stay grounded and focused in the present moment, for this is the place where the future is foreshown.

(Note: I mention the potential for world war in this report, but please keep in mind that no matter what develops and no matter how bad things are and seem, all roads lead to liberty. The old way is not going to go out without a fight. Sooner rather than later in the grand schemes of time, truth and love prevail. Light wins, and now is the time.)

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2016 8:34:13 PM


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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