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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2016 12:33:19 AM

Should We Tolerate Outrageous Beliefs?



Terence McKenna once said that rather than tolerating everyone’s beliefs, we should willingly call people out on beliefs we think are outrageous. In his eyes, to believe something despite evidence to the contrary is to halt the intellectual and spiritual evolution of society.

While he was known for criticizing mainstream science, he admired that science is a process of proving what isn’t true so we can figure out what is, which requires scientists to admit when they’re wrong about something.

With this mindset, he felt that it was appropriate and necessary to point out the flaws in outdated or scientifically invalidated beliefs.

As an intellectual, he was more interested in researching, theorizing about and, through psychedelic drugs, exploring a higher state of consciousness than following someone’s philosophy or superstition. He also discouraged following gurus and encouraged letting nature be our teacher.



While there are some things I agree with him about, I can’t endorse a lack of tolerance – even for outrageousness.

I know this is a complicated issue and I’ve evencondemned things I thought were ridiculous, but there’s a fine line between dedication to truth and intolerance to things that are outside of our comfort zone.

I know it’s dangerous for an erroneous belief like the earth being flat to gain influence in society simply because so many people start to believe it, but as difficult as it is, we just have to accept that everyone thinks differently.

The best thing we can do in the face of the ignorance that’ll always come from certain people or groups is to stand strong in our truth and keep trying to raise awareness. Sure, we should say something if a ridiculous or violent belief gains too much influence, but other than that, we just have to let people live the way they’re going to live.

“People will always be who they want, and that’s what really makes the world go ‘round.” – Damian Marley

If they’re set in their ways, nothing we say or do will convince them otherwise so we might as well focus on those who are interested in learning the truth and strive to spread a genuine and open-minded (but not too open-minded) view on life.

Some people are worried that the world isn’t evolving, but devolving, because of the ridiculousness that pervades our culture. A lot of them believe religion is largely responsible for society’s lack of true intellectual and spiritual awareness, and alternative forms of spirituality like the New Age movement are also criticized.

This has caused many in the conscious community to renounce the New Age movement and embrace a more unique form of spirituality that’s open-minded but still rational, reasonable and discerning.

There’s nothing wrong with renouncing the New Age or any philosophy, but it shouldn’t give us free reign to criticize those who still believe it.

Regardless of the importance of a genuine intellectual search for truth, our judgment and condemnation will have negative repercussions and ultimately set society back. It’s ironic, because the intention is to move forward but in terms of tolerance and unity, we’d regress.



If we want to increase the chance of people working together to make the world a better place, then criticizing each other’s views on life isn’t really the best way to go. Some people are more concerned about truth than bringing the world together, but in my opinion, unity is a crucial aspect of collective evolution.

Respecting people whose beliefs we don’t share is a small price to pay for the opportunity to heal the earthand collectively evolve, and it only requires us not to be so insistent that what we know is the whole truth. Nobody knows the whole truth; even the most dedicated explorers of consciousness.

Religious tolerance is often criticized because of the perceived lack of intellectualism inherent in religion and other forms of spirituality, but in my opinion, tolerance in every form is crucial and inevitable so we might as well get on board now.

It isn’t about being passive or lazy in the pursuit of knowledge or in how we treat others; it’s about working together with respect for our differences so we can reverse the hellish circumstances in which we’ve placed ourselves.

It’s about learning to love again, which is difficult from an intellectual standpoint, and it all becomes clear when the heart is open. When we feel the love flowing, we’ll want to share the good vibes with everyone regardless of what they believe or how they live.



By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, February 3, 2016 –

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2016 12:37:32 AM

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, February 5, 2016

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The week begins with a four-planet stellium in the Capricorn sign, containing Moon, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury. The planetary quadruplet in Saturn’s sign forms trines with Jupiter in Virgo on February 5 and 6. As Saturn slowly drifts through the middle of Jupiter’s sign, attention is called to Saturn due to his residence in the fiery, mutable Sagittarius sign, his square to Jupiter, and the four planets in the dour titan’s earthy sign at the beginning of the week forming a harmonious link to the enervated Jupiter, in classical detriment and retrograde. Jupiter and Saturn, continuing to slowly form a stronger square aspect, embody the long-standing “controlled expansion” theme in the heavens. Those willing to give the necessary effort might realize substantial gains, albeit gains hard won and slow to materialize. Then again, creating solid foundations and exhibiting patience has potential to turn the smallest amounts into massive volumes (the fable of the king granting a wish to consecutively double one grain on a chess board every day, for sixty-four days, soon regretted his promise! And the square this week is reasonably analogous of this concept).

Thinking about such an idea is well suited for Sun in Aquarius, and he is rather busy this week. Most notable, perhaps, is his square to the intense Mars in Scorpio that lasts throughout the week. Powerful will and passionate action are in tension with Aquarius Sun’s more thoughtful and individual style; but reconciling the two suggests that change, initiated by the mind and sustained through emotion, help make a difference in the world this week.

Sun also forms an exact sextile to his sign’s ruler, Uranus, early in the week. Of interest, Vesta (asteroid lady) is also closely conjunct Uranus all week. Thus a very conscious sense of initiating change and implementing innovative ideas align with a feeling of fiery dedication and determined resilience this week. February 6 and 7 contain an unusual and rare feature with four planets, Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus, along with Chiron and Vesta, aspecting Zeus (Transneptunian). What a fantastic day for working towards and reaching goals! Quick, purposeful action, and adapting creatively to existing structures, with a sharp focus and concentration of energy, is an effective manifestation of the power of Zeus. Individual drive, cooperation, conscious innovation, fiery individualism, commitment, and a bit of forging your own path mixed with the Zeus energies falls neatly into place with the Jupiter-Saturn “controlled expansion” theme in the background. Sun making an exact aspect to Jupiter-North Node in Virgo at the end of the week gives an upbeat emphasis on personal growth and future direction, rounding out an exhausting but potentially productive week.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


The big picture of this week for Aries Sun gives the impression of finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, by the end of the week, if you manage to navigate the energies well. Your fiery Sun may be tested based on the demands of the week, but the efforts made to surmount obstacles this week are generally worth the potential rewards. Socializing and developing the mind flows well with the transiting Sun in Aquarius, and the “mind” theme is strong for Aries this week, with the most opportune day for thought, new ideas, and learning on February 5. February 5 to about February 7 has greater than average potential to use direct action and concentrated energy in the immediate moment in order to move aspirations forward. February 8 is an outstanding day for latching on to the “expanding power” theme in the heavens, particularly in work and career. Taking the initiative, asserting yourself, and even competing (obviously strong suits for you) with a sense of intense passion and sense of power can help create advantageous situations for you all week, most of all at mid-week. Aries also has the opportunity to move forward this week through various relationships, again, particularly in career, and support from close relationships remain as a fading, but present, theme for you this week. Final thought for Aries: an important new theme appears for Aries this week: how might you draw important issues to closure?


The earthy influence in the transits is definitely a plus for Taurus Sun, especially at the beginning of the week (notice that if you have natal Sun in mid to late Taurus, it helps to form several earthy grand trines with Jupiter and the Capricorn stellium this week). This perhaps counterbalances Mars opposing and Sun squaring your Sun by signs. Thus a great deal of tension, with a productive outlet of using intense will and conscious thought to complete important objectives, is accompanied by a sense of ease and abundance associated with the material. As with Aries, Taurus may access the “expanding power” theme in the transits all week. Your natural proclivity for endurance and persistence might serve you quite well this week, with a significant amount of tension in the transits affecting Taurus. Sun in an airy sign, squaring your Sun by sign, contributes to the “mind” theme all week, with the strongest day for you on February 6. Brainstorming, new ideas, and abandoning conventional methods that no longer work will take effort, but commensurate rewards are also possible if the work is addressed. Social interactions and attention given to using the mind in order to network or generate opportunities is also stronger than average for Taurus this week, particularly in career. The week also has its watery side; looking at yourself, others, or situations from different points of view brings new perspectives and has a sense of touching spirit, around February 7. Final thought for Taurus: maintaining a sense of fairness in relationships is important for Taurus this week.


A theme of ‘ease and abundance’ begins the week in the nicest way for Gemini Sun. Although the strongest day for this uplifting theme is on February 5, it lasts all week, and is most propitious in the areas of work and career. Gemini is also largely outside of more difficult influences based on this week’s transits, another blessing. The exception is the demanding work necessary for generating and using new ideas. Even so, transiting Sun forming a trine to your Sun by sign takes the edge off of this harsh influence for you, and suggests decent gains are in store when you manage to use flashes of insight to arrive more quickly at optimal solutions (and as with many of the signs this week, this is most useful for Gemini in career). The week builds up into possibilities for creating a stable base by the end of it, given appropriate efforts made in earlier days. Also watch for a quick, but significant, ‘togetherness’ theme on February 10. Acting as part of a community, while both generating favorable vibes and expanding your interests, tends to work very well for Gemini this week, with the most promising day on February 10. Final thought for Gemini: a combination of timing and intuition, along with your gift of communicative abilities, just might help seal a deal or otherwise help you benefit from various situations this week.


This is a rather achievement oriented week for Cancer Sun, particularly at its beginning. Efforts made to create thoughtful alliances, cogitate perspectives, and use pragmatic instinct lead to potential advantages in career and perhaps other areas of life on February 5 and 6. Cancer’s watery receptivity, security-oriented nature, and other qualities, become electrified around February 7 and 8. A feeling of unity with the Aquarius energies in mid-week gives Cancer a boost. Participating in gatherings, brainstorming, and assimilating new ideas for immediate or later use works well for enjoyment and perhaps also in career, creating a beneficial ‘career’ theme that you might benefit from for a substantial portion of this week. The remainder of the week is ideal for assessing what needs closure, and finishing it, and then using available time and other resources to initiate new projects and push new ideas forward. February 9 is opportune for imagining what you want, and February 10 is apropos for passionately attempting to obtain it. Cancer has a busy and varied week. Final thought for Cancer: while reality must always be a priority, consider the benefits of using theory this week in order to help formulate ideas and assist with implementing practical solutions to problems.


The opportunity for Leo Sun to use “amped up” drive and will, within set parameters or under established structures, in order to stretch your limits, is one not to be passed up in the first few days of the week. Moreover, a sense of using innovative ideas, technology, and consulting people or resources containing necessary knowledge can help Leo achieve breakthroughs at the start of the week. Your leadership qualities have a chance to shine brightly on February 7, particularly when you are part of a pair (as opposed to being part of a group). February 7 is also the first day of an optimistic, growth-oriented rest of the week for you. Using passionate drive, will, and determination, along with breaking from convention and acting spontaneously, helps generate opportunities that lead to success and perhaps personal growth. February 7, and especially February 8, contain potential for combining conscious thought and instinctive intuition in order to generate the best solutions to problems or find novel approaches to handling difficult challenges. Close relationships require more work than average this week, but also contain a great deal of passion. Final thought for Leo: anticipating problems at the beginning of a project or task can be most helpful in determining how to proceed (including choosing not to continue).


February 5 gives the sense of a running start to the week for Virgo Sun, with your natal Sun forming trines to four planets by sign during the first two days of the week, along with Jupiter steadfastly moving backwards in your Sun’s sign. A theme of “perspectives through relationships” lasts basically throughout the week for you, with the strongest influence towards the beginning of the week. Sharp analysis of people and situations, and devoted efforts in forming new contacts and nourishing existing ones, is of emphasis this week, and obviously auspicious for work and career, although this theme might be applied to all areas of life. Authority and structure affect Virgo this week but in a more indirect manner. The airy Sun in Aquarius, therefore, contains a bit of influence for you, useful for experimenting with ideas and considering how expressing your unique qualities might be of benefit. This “uniqueness” theme is strongest at the beginning of the week. Also consider how actions taken on February 5 can set the tone for the rest of the week, as it’s reasonable to say that day is the keystone of Virgo’s week. Bear in mind that the week is also generally upbeat and potentially enjoyable, in addition to activity based on work and career! Final thought for Virgo: no additional insights for Virgo this week.


“Power week” describes this week aptly for Libra Sun! The smooth connection from your natal Sun to transiting Sun by sign is just the starting point for increased opportunities to focus energy and build your personal power this week. The best day for using a combination of intense personal drive and ambition, implementing a sense of grounded power and bringing about effective change, and creatively using ideas and relationships in order to reach objectives is February 7. Initiating change and proposing new ideas or methods of work is another strong theme for Libra this week, with a peak day on February 6. Change, and its accompanying disruptions, usually requires great effort to implement and maintain. However, a logical, structured approach is probably your best ally, in addition to your natural people skills, in order to create meaningful, lasting, and necessary change. February 9 is an ideal day for seeking wisdom and understanding, or considering the ethics of situations if such a need arises. Final thought for Libra: making exceptions might be called for in certain situations, but beware of “slippery slopes” as a result.


The week is first and foremost about relationships for Scorpio Sun. Unity in relationships is a powerful theme for your transformative sign on February 5; affecting and shaping events through various contacts and relationships is of potential benefit at the beginning of the week, particularly in work and career. Scorpio might also take advantage of a “mind” theme early in the week, which again has potential for creating effective change – Sun in Aquarius squaring your natal Sun by sign is an effective catalyst for using thought to help alter self, others, or situations. Also of potential benefit this week for you (and most effective in the first half of the week) is use of logic and communication in pairs or groups, in order to generate alternative approaches to problem solving. Meeting minds with other people also contains potential for sudden insights and revelations that contain effective solutions to difficult problems. If you initiate a dedicated, committed, active approach to problem solving, and are willing to exert extra effort in using the mind, the potential for accomplishment this week is outstanding. A paradoxical combination of self-reliance and support from those in close relationships is also a potentially useful theme for Scorpio this week. Final thought for Scorpio: take extra care this week to guard your interests against foes.


Of interest, Sagittarius Sun has the influences of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) at your disposal throughout the week. Therefore day-to-day concerns tend to be most prominent this week. For example, interacting with the immediate environment and using a step-by-step, logical approach to problem solving tends to generate better than average results for you. Working with structure and authority also influences Sagittarius to a decent extent this week. Tending to details and being service-oriented helps your active and adaptable Sun successfully face challenges and appease authority, however. Friendships and other types of relationships give Sagittarius a valuable sense of perspective and assist with developing your power base. The week is not lacking in passion for you either; viewing perspectives from the vantage point of someone else, for example, prompts your own desires and ambitions in attaining what you want or need this week. Creating change or adapting to it, while aiming to consciously achieve your objectives, resonates as an effective theme for Sagittarius this week. February 10 is the best opportunity for you to implement it. Final thought for Sagittarius: be ready to jump into a project or activity at a moment’s notice.


Four planets in your Sun’s sign at the beginning of the week has its benefits. Capricorn Sun also has opportunities based on almost half of the planets in earth signs throughout the week. A powerful theme of attaining insight based on the perspectives of other people is a theme not to be missed on February 5. Tapping into your personal power, combined with being aligned with your ideals, in order to accomplish objectives, is another potentially productive theme that lasts throughout the week for you. Aquarius Sun is co-ruled by your Sun’s ruler, Saturn. However, the Uranian influence is more prominent for Capricorn this week, with Sun transiting through Aquarius. The airy, electrical influence jolts your grounded Sun this week, and new ideas, new friends, and expressing your unique qualities flow for Capricorn more than average all week. Close relationships exert a subtle, but intense, influence for you from about February 8 to 11. Also, notably, when you actively maintain a frame of mind that is dedicated and focused, original ideas and flashes of insight become most useful and prominent. Final thought for Capricorn: in situations involving conflict, be careful not to judge a book by its cover.


February 6 is a peak day in your solar return month for Aquarius Sun. The qualities of your core conscious self can shine brightly at the beginning of the week. A sense of passion, congeniality, and razor-sharp purpose on February 6 accompany your basic qualities: uniqueness, humanitarianism, gregariousness, generator of ideas, and social participant in a wide variety of groups. The beginning of the week is strongest for Aquarius in terms of the various themes you experience over the course of the week. This is a double-edged sword; the greatest benefit might be attained from efforts made at the beginning of the week to form and maintain relationships, use the mind, and exert your personal power, but the benefits are also more difficult to achieve. Perhaps ironically, structure and authority is your independent Sun’s greatest ally this week in difficult times, and activities requiring discipline and organization flow relatively smoothly for Aquarius. Also look to relationships having a greater than average influence on February 11, which is also a favorable day for initiating new projects with other people. Final thought for Aquarius: in situations involving taking a chance, talking out possibilities with another person will likely be helpful.


As transiting Sun enters the final decan of Aquarius, Pisces Sun can start to anticipate a pending solar return this week. Neptune’s long tenure in your Sun’s sign gives you more direct access to his imagination, spirit, and idealism, and the end of this week hints at Sun once again conjunct to the ethereal, powerful Neptune. Anticipation and premonitions, two of your strong suits, have potential for amazing effects this week when you concentrate on your specialty and work to develop your knowledge within it. “Empathic nurturing” is another relatively new and strengthening theme for Pisces this week. This new theme works especially well in close relationships, which continue to flow smoothly and provide a sense of helping you develop your power and prompt change in both yourself and those nearest to you via close relationships. If authority and structure feel a bit heavy this week, bear in mind that applying diligent effort towards what you want or need not only appeases those in charge, hopefully, but also paradoxically creates conditions that allows your creativity and desire to touch spirit to flourish. Final thought for Pisces: arcane ideas can help you find the way out of the darkness this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to


Triple Water Astrology

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2016 12:48:34 AM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - February 4, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today.

We see many, many changes occurring in your outer world, all of them leading you into the beauty and daily reality of life on a fifth dimensional planet.

We are aware that much that is occurring does not seem to be coming from the Light.

You are seeing disturbances—in the weather, in the news headlines, in governments, in your families and workplaces, and in your own heart-mind.

It may feel at times that these energetic earthquakes, both small and large, are a sign that things are getting worse, not better.

Yet know that these things are happening not to keep you in the shadows of the third dimension, but because you are actively stepping out of them.

You are not being “rescued” by some great Galactic force that is doing for you the work of constructing a New Earth, including the many disclosures and revelations that must come before that.

You are not being owned and operated, corralled and herded by an overt force that claims to be your authority, as humankind once might have been.


Nor are you losing yourself in the void of transition—not the inner transitions of your own life, nor the larger outer ones that affect whole communities, countries, and continents.

You are doing as any explorer would do—cutting away at the undergrowth and scaring off the predatory beasts as you create a path where none has ever existed before now.

We would say, that chief among the disturbances are those that affect your own heart, mind, body, and spirit.

It can be a jarring experience to have highly involving dreams that you cannot remember upon awakening.

Or to awaken in the middle of the night and feel that a presence is with you—perhaps you were just in conversation with a group or individual, but again, cannot remember what about.

It can be unsettling, even upsetting to experience the need for changing your job, your relationship, your TV and internet habits, the way you eat or exercise.

Suddenly there are new needs, new preferences, new ideas or people or places that draw you toward them.

And these impulses and requirements come with the knowledge that you must let go of the old in order to make room for the new.


And so how does a person remake their life, exactly?

We would say, it is best to do it in steps that are manageable, calm, considered, and led by the higher wisdom of those you brought in to support you throughout this life journey, before you incarnated—your higher self, Angelic guardians, and spirit guides.

Though it may feel rocky at times, this great Changeover From Within does not have to feel like a building toppling down around you.

Your etheric support team (Divine helpers some call them) are here to aid and encourage you with exactly the wisdom you need, whenever you need it.

But you must ask.

Because it is a crucial part of your journey into the fifth dimension, that you realize that you are not alone, even though it may look that way at times.

And that you reach out to those already in and speaking from higher dimensions, and learn to become comfortable doing so.

They are always there, ready to respond, to reach out and supply you with answers, wise insights, encouraging readings of a situation or person.

And to explain the next step in your beautiful, ever-unfolding life purpose.


And so we would say, that if you are able to sit quietly for a moment—Now is good!—and simply say to your support team, “My friends—what do I need to know right now?” that you would in that one moment begin removing more of the bumps and jolts of this New Earth journey than you could know.

For you will have started a habit, if you have not done so already, of turning to your helpers and asking for their guidance, rather than insisting on the third dimensional belief that the only beings worth interacting with are those you can physically see.

They are most assuredly real, and they are in the room with you now, in more beauty, Light, higher brilliance, warmth, and compassion than you are currently able to imagine.

It is time to remember who you are, to remember that your conversations with those of a higher dimension are part of what make you a Lightworker.

A Being who long ago embarked on a journey—a series of Earth lives that required you to hack your way through the undergrowth in a seemingly useless effort, expending great amounts of energy in each life to see, to understand, to milk some meaning out of life’s hardships, to survive.

It’s time to understand that you are one of these higher dimensional beings—new at it, in your current incarnation, but a higher being nonetheless.

You are in the emerging stages of creating not just renewal, but new life—new thoughtforms, ideas, and inventions, new ways of relating to those you love, of doing work that is meaningful to you, of doing what you came here to do.

And so yes—there are days when the dark clouds seem as if they will never part.

Family pressures get to be too much, work stresses are too high, and the whole schema of modern living seems made to defeat and anger you.

That is because you are being shown a better way.

And we have seen your perseverance, and can say, You will not rest until you create it.


So speak with your team each day, and require them to answer you.

If you do not hear their reply inwardly, say to them, “Speak in ways I can hear! Show me what you mean in outer signs—conversations, images, information that reaches me during the day.

“Or use infused thought—an idea that pops into my head suddenly. Answer me! What is my next step?”

And then relax, and know that that information is coming.

Open to receiving it. Watch for it; listen for it.

For you are never alone.

And these ones—your best friends, as well as your soul family and twin flame—have been charged with being your guardians and wise counselors for the whole of your Earth life.

Put them to work! Don’t ignore them any longer—you have a New Earth to build, and a new life to build as well.

Namaste, friends! If you knew all that was occurring now, you would never doubt again.
Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2016 8:33:41 PM

Saturday, February 6 - Sunday, February 7, 2016

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, envision

Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius: Sunday 12:59 am/5:59 am UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: focus on peace within the fellowship of humanity and the restoration of enthusiasm for the experience of life

True Alignments: receiving information, saved by a rejection, integrating an important concept, mixing things, appreciating the abundance and beauty of nature, increased will, going outside of the box, what is fun and pleasurable, ability to adapt and adjust to changing structures or plans

Catalysts for Change: power issues (including powerlessness), drained of energy or manic with energy, disclosing too much or too soon, secrets, control through fear, suppressing or stalling creativity, not recognizing the efforts of others, overburdened with responsibility, the boredom of repetition, emotionally overwhelmed and ungrounded, traps

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a hidden choir singing during a religious service" (unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)

On Saturday, the Sun will square Mars, bringing a tremendous amount of energy for changes - changes of mind and mindset, direction, perspective, focus, belief - just about anything.

The Sun will empower the energetic of"a man being unmasked at a masquerade" with truth and true intentions coming to light. Secret things are often exposed. When it happens, it prompts the need to face or come to grips with what is shown.

Mars is fueling the energetic of "a path through the woods rich in autumn coloring" with infusions and information (that was potentially gained as a result of what the Sun's energetic reveals with the "unmasking" element) about better ways. Directions or courses that provide a rich and colorful experience are shown.

The Sun in Aquarius in square with Mars in Scorpio has a lower octave of increased anger, power and control issues, vengeance, domination, obsessions and compulsions, and an uncomfortable strangeness, so be aware of the potential for people to respond and react from these places on the spectrum. This could come on suddenly. A lot can be learned from this type of experience, even though it may be unpleasant. The circumstances are a signal of what needs to be changed. The anger is just how we are alerted to the need for change. None of the dynamics of the planets can control us; we are wise enough to begin to stand back and look at anything that is signaled to us through the instinct of anger. Anger is an alert; it does not have to be a status. Something else is behind anger, usually a wound (place where we were hurt).

Venus is discharging the "Union Jack flied over a new British warship." Aggression and imperial attitudes are enhanced by this dynamic. The Illuminati use the planets to forward their agendas. Most recently, when Venus made conjunction with the Galactic Center the announcementof the "discovery" of Planet X was made. Planet X has been archetypally programmed as The Destroyer. They may try to further that agenda or imprint globalist imperialism with Venus at one of their special degrees (not necessarily related in any way to Planet X, but to empire). If so, the dynamics of the Sun and Mars will disempower the effort considerably because secret agendas and efforts are being brought to light.

On Sunday, the Sun will move to the degree of "a forest fire quenched," so Saturday's dynamics may set off chains of events or cause a series of reactions. There is a great deal of potential for high drama this weekend. Things can easily turn into something much bigger than they need to be. At the heart, the energetics are trying to move us to better paths and ways.

We are in the last two days of the Balsamic Phase this weekend, the time when we release what no longer serves or needs to be and prepare for a new influx of energies with Monday's New Moon. Since the Sabian symbol for the New Moon is "a large white dove bearing a message," it is helpful to hold the notion of peace as a mindset. This will also moderate the harsher effects of the Sun-Mars square. Pure energy is pouring in for us to use for the advancement of our ideas and projects of Second Renaissance. This includes the idea and project of ourselves as free humans. Let's focus on peace within the fellowship of humanity and the restoration of enthusiasm for the experience of life.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/6/2016 8:51:18 PM

There Is No Far Away When It Comes to Consciousness

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God said:

There are times when you look at life as if it were a boxing match. Life -- the boxing champion -- and you, the unsuspecting, punched and knocked out for the count underdog. Then you see yourself carried away from that particular arena to face another match anon whenever life says so.

An area of your life is taken away, and another area left which you desperately want to evade and/or desire at the same time. In any case, you hold on tight and keep your feet where they happen to be. Sometimes you lash at life to stay just where you want it to stay.

You may or may not consciously decide the turns life takes, yet you feel that sooner or later, life socks it to you. Life trips you up and knocks you off your feet. Of course, time and time again, you get up.

It is a good idea to lose the idea that life is something you face. Who wants to face life as if life were a mighty opponent who gets in your way, the same way as you don’t want to face a judge’s gavel or a physician’s needle.

How about viewing life as a friend you meet with and walk along the road with, arm in arm? How about a friend who cares about you and often hears your thoughts and dearly wishes to respond to your wishes?

Your wishes are not separate from your thoughts, voiced or unvoiced. On some level, your thoughts and words are telling life what to deliver to you. You and life are like twins. Life is the twin who knows what you are thinking about and will do everything for you, even displease you if that’s what it takes.

Life is innocent. As best as life can, it reflects you.

You are responsible for your thoughts. Life is an order-taker. I speak of right now and not from the long past of speculated other lifetimes. I speak of this life you are living right now. It is for you to right yourself. Life is your servant. It means to do your bidding, and I look in on you and love you every moment. Will you believe Me?

Life is a constant companion during your stay on Earth. I, God, am also your Constant Companion. You, I, and Life are a Holy Trinity.

Not a day goes by that is not a miracle. I am aware that you may feel that you are neglected. You have no idea how you are looked after. You may be so busy facing Life that you don’t see the Miracles that surround you and lift you higher. This whole Story of Your Life Is a Miracle. You yourself are a miracle, an amazing miracle of sorts that you do not heartily embrace.

Bless the ground you walk on and everyone you meet and all the others you don’t meet, yet whose hearts are enjoined with yours -- all the brothers and sisters of yours who inhabit the Earth with you, and who are uplifted or pulled down by each and every life. You are so entwined, you hardly realize.

You have been so engrossed in yourself as a separate individual, humbly and arrogantly at the same time. Even so, you are so much more, and you make a far greater impression upon the whole world than you have any clue to.

Start getting clues now. Just as when you and a friend were to jump on each end of the bed, you affect each other tremendously. The idea that the World is One isn’t merely a saying.

This is the scoop: You affect everyone on Earth. You affect everyone’s life, and everyone’s thoughts, actions, deeds, and moods. You are a catalyst of life. You are an intricate part of every life. You affect the life of your neighbor next door, and your neighbor affects your life. The same is true whether your neighbor is far way in another country or lives downstairs from you. There is no far away when it comes to Consciousness.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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