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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2015 6:56:01 PM

Montague Keen Message for May 24, 2015

2015, the year of revelations. You will have to face many facts, this year, that will cause great distress to some, who feel that they should have been aware of what was actually going on. I have pointed out to you many times that you live on a PRISON PLANET. You were not ready to hear it then. Now, more of you are beginning to see this for yourselves. You are alarmed at what you now discover to be the truth.

When the decision was made to make the human race SLAVES to those who had ENTERED the Earth, many changes were put in place. All contact with other planets was CLOSED DOWN, and the Earth went into LOCK DOWN. You have been isolated and alone ever since. Religion was created and used to control you. Though the CHRIST they preach about, NEVER EXISTED, it was based on the Christ who was on Earth many hundreds of years before. The Vatican set about changing the names of places in the EAST to fit in with the story they had invented. The evidence for this is available. Great planning went into the takeover that they now want to complete. Many of you have assisted them in the destruction and annihilation of your race. You bought into their propaganda. It was meticulously planned.

There are enough of you awake to this now, to help others to see what you can see so clearly. You were conned by the MASTERS OF MANIPULATION, who drink your blood and eat your flesh in order to survive on Earth. Can you honestly turn a blind eye to all those who disappear every year. It is time you protected the vulnerable. Those who are “taken into care” by the State, are at the mercy of the satanic cults. They need your help to survive. You must face the facts of what is going on all around you. One day the knock will come on your door. Who will speak up for you? You are all Palestinians !

Only those who seek truth can clearly see what was done to humanity to render people obedient slaves to their unseen masters. Mind control plays a huge part in your slavery. Hellfire, damnation, punishment; all cleverly installed in your minds to hold you in check. They serve Lucifer; not the GOD of LOVE who created mankind.

We, in the world of spirit, are ready to help you rescue humanity and the Earth, so that all future generations can live in peace. Are you ready to work with us to achieve this? Together, we can do it. This is your big opportunity to free yourselves. Are you up to the challenge? What have you got to lose. The cabal will destroy you the moment they can no longer use you. Their plans are being exposed every day, as they cannot hide them from you anymore. They are bringing in new laws to buy themselves time. Humanity is sufficiently awake now, to see the full picture, so people can no longer be lulled into a false sense of security. Will the cabal come clean in September, when the head of the destruction of humanity greets his cohorts at the United Nations on 24 September.

Take time to learn the truth. Forget the false history and religions that have held you prisoner. Support your fellow human beings who are being bombed out of existence. For it is them today; perhaps you, tomorow. This is the plan. Connect your hearts with the God of Love. With love in your hearts, you cannot hurt your fellow man. Who taught you to hate and fear? Who began the wars and the killings? Who forced their will on humanity? Who created all the religions in order to cause division and strife? All roads lead to Rome.

Time is running out. Use it to expose corruption, and save humanity from extinction. Yes, people will at first think you are crazy, but then the penny will drop, and they too, will clearly see the truth of what is being done all around them, every day, without them realising it. Once you open your eyes, you can never close them again. Suddenly the corruption becomes so obvious that you wonder how you could possibly have been blind to it for so long. Become one of the many who are on Earth to liberate it and help humanity. Move forward into the light. Do not dwell on the atrocities perpetrated in order to control and destroy you. Concentrate only on creating a better future for the Earth.

This is a difficult time for all who serve truth. The attacks intensify but we will not be deterred. Please help us to move humanity forward into a peaceful world for all.

My dear, we know what we must do. We will not be stopped as the timing is right. With all of us working together, we cannot fail.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Source: Montague Keen Foundation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2015 6:58:41 PM

MONDAY, MAY 25, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ The Macrocosm and the Microcosm of Infinite Love

Thank you to everyone for joining us today with the Love Mantra Global Meditation! We could feel your energy joining us from everywhere around the planet. I feel so grateful to all of you for being with us and sharing our love together for transforming our world. Thank you so much with all my heart! Mother Earth must be happy! The Universe is also happy!
When we look at the world, we can feel so limited and small. The world seems so big compared to our individual personality. But once we turn inside and look beyond our ego/mind, we discover that there is a vast universe so silent truth and an infinite ocean of Consciousness that resides inside.
Where our ego/mind is limited to experience only the things in this world that we are aware of, our Inner Consciousness can go beyond our outer senses and beyond the ego/mind to discover the Microcosm of the universe within us. The Microcosm and the Macrocosm are the same ocean of consciousness. What is outside is also inside of us. Turning inside opens our higher senses of perception and allows us to know everything in the universe directly. All Truths are inside of us where we can know them and make use of them in our daily life. This is the value of deep meditation.
Lao Tzu once said that knowing what is outside is difficult, but if we look away from the world and turn inside, we can know everything we need to know about the entire universe. This is the great truth that is overlooked in the modern age. Now is the time when the inner universe is more available to us than ever before. This is the time to enjoy it!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2015 7:00:21 PM

Victory of the Light Progress Report

Posted by: on May 25, 2015 | No Comments

Victory of the Light Progress Report

I have been waiting on this article for some time now. I have been longing to see just how much we have achieved in the liberation process all in one place and so I decided to write this article for myself and I hope for many others around the globe who are waiting on it. My goodness Therese Zumi sounds like she has a ‘bee in her bonnet’! What have I written about that could be so coveted or needed now? Well it’s the story of our Victory of the Light, the story of our final liberation process details, in the final days of the ‘battle’ on Gaia.

Wait a minute you say “we haven’t actually been victorious yet?”…. “were still prisoners on this planet which seems to be getting crazier by the moment?” I suddenly had a recall now of something that among others David Wilcock have discussed 2-3 years ago. It’s about how everything just keeps speeding up and how enormous amounts of events take place in shorter time periods like cycles repeating themselves, cycles that earlier took 100 years are now taking place in weeks even days. So we are in those crazy ‘end-time’ days now and it’s going to continue being crazy until the craziness stops forever and we have The Event on our doorstep. This is the time now of the Event Horizon when the Compression Breakthrough energy just intensifies relentlessly. Divine Mother just said a week ago that we are in the 3rd Wave of Her Tsunami of Love and that She knows that we can take this energetic rising that is affecting our very being to the core and raising our dimensional level in all of our bodies. She is preparing us for the times ahead for our mission purposes at the time of and after The Event.

fbf09a36-0c84-49d3-9176-4f38600d0b78_mothermarysmalllargeShe says;
“With this Tsunami I bring you, I give you, I gift you, I bless you with increased clarity, increased purity, increased love, increased grace. Why? In order for you to go forward, not merely to ride the wave, but as you arrive in the higher dimensions, as you arrive in the valleys, in the tree-tops, on the top of Mt. Everest, that you are prepared, fully equipped to take action, to step forth in the fulfillment of your mission, your purpose, your plan…….Allow, allow the Tsunami to carry you, to enter you. I am not done! And there is no turning back.” For Mothers full message go here;…/universal-mother-mary-via-lin…/

So what questions are answered in this Victory of the Light Progress report you may wonder? You will find answers to things like; how many different groups are actually involved in this liberation process and who are they? Which groups work below the surface of Gaia? Which groups work on the surface? Who is actually orbiting this planet in the final liberation operations now taking place as I write this? Have we really made any progress at all? What proof is there to show that the cabals ‘house’ has already collapsed? What proof is there that the Divine Feminine Aspect of The One – Source has truly returned to this planet? How far has the disintegration of the Veil progressed? Where are we at the present moment in time of our liberation and disclosure progress? What evidence is there that Victory of the Light is at hand? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this article.

In this May month’s Cobra interview our Rob Potter reminded us once again about the ‘oh so important’ word discernment. Rob said that the cabal have great focus now on creating as much chaos for lightworkers as possible. They desire conflict, they love it, it’s the energy they have fed on and their cupboard is starting to look so bare so they will take anything that they can get now in the way of chaos. Are you going to help them or make it difficult for them in these last days? The choice is yours!

You help them if you allow yourself to react too strongly to another’s point of view about our reality at this time. Every person supporting this liberation process is coming at it from their unique set of tools and experiences etc. Do not allow petty arguments of any kind to take your energy. Fight this battle now with the amazing tool of the Violet Flame. When you find that your mind starts revolving around some unsolvable conflict or personal problem you can regain your energy very quickly by seeing the Violet Flame penetrate the situation, person, or people involved and then ‘leave it’ in the Mothers Hand.

Cobra gave once again the advice on how to know what is true or not true in all of the mountains of information out there. Remember 70% of the so called ‘truth’ movement is Jesuit infiltrated one way or another. And you heard him tell Robert that the Nepal tragedy was NOT a cabal false flag operation. I myself like Rob had read this and believed this too! But we were wrong. Cobra explained that because of the Galactic Central Sun increased activity these types of phenomena would increase in the future and he reminded us that The Event is 15 years LATE! {That’s another story.}

Victory3Do not allow yourself to get worried about any ‘fear porn’ types of information speculation. The Resistance Movement and the Allied Light Forces {all the details of ‘who is who’ will be found in this article} will not allow anything to go too far but the cabal will continue to try to create fear in people about this that and the other until the very last moment. If you’re upset about something that you read, be it regarding illnesses, pandemics, poisoned food, {they have been poisoning us in a thousand ways for 20-30 years and we’re still here – but on that note eat as ‘cleanly’ as you can – close to Source – Gaia food}, Jade Helm operations, the availability of cash at the Event, stock markets falling etc. etc. stop reading the stuff and read something positive instead. And speaking of positive well that’s what I have worked with daily now for five weeks to bring to you in this very positive truthful report. I do hope that you will enjoy this. I have written and compiled this information for you with all of my Love. Therese Zumi

Victory of the Light Progress Report May 2015


25th May 2015 at 1304 PM

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2015 6:48:13 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: May 26, 2015

news roundupFinance & Personal Freedom: As More People Awaken, More are Reclaiming Their Financial Independence.

Doesn’t it make sense to be the boss of your time AND money? Although, I’m not personally financially free (yet!), at least allow me the chance to share this perspective, and see if it resonates with you, okay?

It’s my belief that being a cog in the machine is exactly that: Going ’round and ’round, attached to a wheel, unable to roll away and do our own thing. I mean no disrespect from this description of those of us from the 99%, who have a J-O-B and work for someone else. Many of you do it, I do it, most of us do it –so no judgments are being made, but let’s take an honest look at what it is we are doing, yes?

We are giving our time (a major chunk of our lives) away to help someone else live the lifestyle they want, right? I believe it is no oversight that the national minimum wage average is somewhere around $7-8/hour. In order to make more than that, people choose to go to school learning a skill or a trade. We can save “who owns?” said schools for a whole other conversation, eh?

Cool, we’ve spent probably tens of thousands for our education (some professions spend much much more). Now what? Well, most of us get a job, right? We work for someone else! Even with our education and specialized skill sets, we STILL are working FOR someone, and again, giving our time and a chunk of our life away helping others run THEIR business.

A study published in USA Today stated that 72% of people want to work for themselves, but do not ever branch out, due to fear (there’s that magic word again) …due to fear of not making enough money, fear of not knowing enough, and probably fear of losing healthcare coverage –amongst other fears. And yet, “fear” is the whole problem… with most everything, if I may generalize.

So, I invite us to detach from the fear. Unplug from the TV. Shoot for the stars. Of course, I’m not encouraging us to be reckless and make horrible business decisions, only to bankrupt ourselves –no. I’m encouraging us to Identify our passion, find a mentor, and get on our path. It’s my belief that entrepreneurship is the wave of the future, an inevitable natural progression of the working force …and a future that’s not far away at all.

“As an entrepreneur you have the incomparable thrill of freedom. Not only the freedom to make your own decisions and do things the way you want them to, but the freedom to work when you want and to make what you want. Compare this to an office that has set times, set pay and no flexibility, and you can see why freedom is one of the biggest draws of self-employment.”

“There is also an increased amount of satisfaction that entrepreneurs are able to get from their work that individuals working in a traditional office setting simply cannot reach. The money you make as an entrepreneur is based entirely on your hard work. Every dollar you make is equal to the time and effort you have put into your career. This feeling cannot even compare to the small bonuses you get over time with job promotions.”

Despite the Risks, Entrepreneurship Will Always Beat a 9-to-5 Job by Timothy Sykes. Entrepreneur.

Finance & Entrepreneurs: Practices to Make It on Our Own.

Speaking of starting out on our own, I’ve come across some excellent tips and suggestions for those of us ready to do the research and take the plunge. Here are a few extremely helpful suggestions — at least I find them most practical, and I hope you do too.

This story shares nearly three dozens tips and practices designed for people just like you and me to break out of our shell and get started. We are first encouraged to select the “musts” over the “shoulds.”

“Must is who we are, what we believe, and what we do when we are alone with our truest, most authentic self. [What’s] the hard thing about Must? It’s a daily practice and a recurring choice. The good news? You arrive at these crossroads again and again, and you always get to choose…. [While,] ‘should’ is how others want us to show up in the world — how we’re supposed to think, what we ought to say, what we should or shouldn’t do.”

Another “fun-tastic” yet practical suggestion is the 20-40-60 rule. At age 20, we are way too preoccupied with what others think about us, oftentimes preventing us from stepping outside our comfort zone and starting our own business for fear of being judged. As we approach 40 years old, we gain the confidence not to care what people are saying about us. And at age 60, we realize that no one is actually talking about us (wink wink). I believe the moral of the story is to save ourselves 40 years, and simply have the courage, confidence, and commitment to follow our dreams at age 20, and began leading the life we were born to live!

The final tip I’d like to share from this story is to embrace the RIBS quiz. Ask yourself these quick and simple yet incredibly insightful questions. “Relevant: Is your company solving a real pain point for real people? Why does your solution deserve attention? Inevitable: If it doesn’t seem like whatever trend or movement you’re a part of will eventually come to pass, you’ll be fighting [an uphill battle]. Believable: You have to convince people that your company is the one that can make it happen — that you’ll be the ones to carry the ball over the line. Simple: ‘Take your messaging and edit it down,’ says Head of Technology Communications at Facebook, Caryn Marooney. ‘Get it to its essence. What is the one line you want people to remember? You only get one.'”

The 30 Best Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneurs to Achieve Their Goals by Most Read.

Finance & Mentorship: What Not to Do When Owning Your Own Business

Now that I’ve shared some “do’s” in building our own business, we must also embrace the “don’t’s.” First, do not believe it’s “all about you.” As my undergrad psychology adviser would say, “I don’t want to yuck your wow,” but we must remove our ego, in order to truly be successful as a business owner.

“Remember that the world doesn’t revolve around you and your company. When you have your entire life wrapped up in a new venture, it’s easy to get tunnel vision. This can make you alternately feel like you’re the greatest person in the world, or like the world will end if your company goes under. Neither one is true. It’s simply not all about you. Relax. This is a great opportunity, but there are many others as well.”

Another point to remember is not believing that we can do it all by ourselves. I recall saying this before when discussing Unity Consciousness. Prior to December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar, we lived within the energy of Duality, which meant that we naturally competed with one another. Astronomically, Lady Gaia and her sister planet Venus were moving away from one another, creating a polarizing force that encouraged individuality and separation.

Yet, the very next day, upon turning the corner, literally, our planet is now heading toward our sister planet, which in turn, brings our energies together; this is called Unity Consciousness. As such, we can no longer go it alone. In fact, in order to be successful, we must work together. We must find and gather our people, basically in all endeavors, in all aspects of our lives, because it is the energy of Oneness that governs our world now!

So don’t swim upstream, dear Ones. Embrace unity, love, and togetherness. Find your team and make your stand.

Please enjoy the rest of this story in-full for much more practical advice on what not to do as we shift into the most logical progression of the working world. If we “must” work to earn money to survive in this cabal-created aspect of society, by funneling money into their coffers, then let’s do what we love ..and stop working for other people, allowing us to funnel that same money into our own bank accounts.

7 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur by Sujan Patel. Inc.

Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2015 6:50:52 PM

Vidya Frazier: Letting Go of 3D Habit Patterns

Vidya FrazierWhen we look at what’s going on in the world, it can sure seem as if we’re all still in the Third Dimension. War, injustice, and greed still seem to reign.

And, at least occasionally, it may feel as if we are still in 3D, as well. Although we are well aware of the Shift taking place within and around us, our old ways of operating may still feel like they’re in place. We can still fall into fear, anger and depression at times.

The truth is we are no longer living in 3D reality; that reality closed off on the earth back in December 2012. The old rigid and limiting structures of that dimension are no longer in operation. However, most people in the world—and even many of us who know better—can find we are still functioning as if those old confining structures are present.

Operating in the Fourth Dimension

What is now in place and what we can operate from is a new structure of reality: the Fourth Dimension. This is the bridge we’re on at this point—a passageway from the old rigid third-dimensional consciousness, leading into a new, open, and fully-conscious fifth-dimensional consciousness.

Bridge into the Fifth DimensionAnd although this new 4D reality is not as open and free as the Fifth Dimension, it is not as limiting and rigid as the Third Dimension was. Everything is energetically looser, freer. We are not so confined and enslaved to lower energetic frequencies. New and empowering frequencies are now available to us, streaming onto the earth. We are more capable of consciously creating our own reality.

In this new 4D reality, among other things, we can become aware that linear time is collapsing, and time can actually stretch and compress. We now have time to shift our negative reactions to people and events, if we want to; we can choose to not react automatically out of fear or anger. We can actually change reality through choice and intention and see that manifestation is happening much more quickly.

Common 3D Habit Patterns

The problem is most people don’t know that the rules have changed in this new dimension and continue to operate from old 3D habit patterns in how they go about their lives. But those of us who know reality is shifting can understand this and learn to let go of our habit patterns we’ve brought with us from the Third Dimension. We can develop new habits based on 5D understandings.

So what are some of these 3D habit patterns? Here is a brief list of some important ones that may still be unconsciously running your life.

Believing You’re the Body-Mind

We are not simply the body-mind.Even if you’ve had numerous profound experiences of yourself as a vast, multi-dimensional being, it can be easy to fall into the old habit pattern of believing that you are simply the small body-mind being you experienced yourself to be when totally engulfed in third-dimensional reality.

Just recognizing that you’re operating from this erroneous belief can suddenly shift your awareness to the higher reality of who you are. A sense of relief and detachment can flow in, helping you to experience yourself as a spiritual being temporarily experiencing yourself through dense human form.

Believing You Need to Worry about Survival

You may balk at hearing this is only a 3D worry. You don’t want to be unrealistic; you still need to have income coming in to provide for shelter, food, and all the rest that’s necessary to keep you alive. Of course, this is true.

The belief I’m pointing to is the one that may be telling you that you have to worry about your survival, that you have to struggle and work hard in order to survive, and that it’s reasonable to panic when you don’t see how it’s going to happen. It’s a belief based on a belief that the universe is generally an unfriendly and unsupportive place.

If you can have the courage to truly trust that the Divine will always provide for you, then you are operating in 5D reality. In 5D consciousness you know you are not here to struggle for survival. The only thing that keeps you in the struggle is a belief that you have to. Abundance truly is available to every one of us, if we can change our beliefs around it and our sense of worth.

Believing You’re Unworthy

This is a belief that is often unconscious, but it lurks within many people’s psyches. There’s a sense that happiness, wealth and well-being are things that need to be earned; your worth has to be proven before you can be awarded them.

This inherent and nagging sense of unworthiness can be tough to overcome. It seems to be ingrained very deeply in 3D consciousness. But again, if you can simply become aware of this belief when it arises within you and how it’s producing unwanted results in your life, you can help to short-circuit it.

See it clearly as a belief—know that it’s not truth. Who you are, just as you are, does not have to change in any way whatsoever for you to be worthy of well-being, wealth, happiness and good health.

Getting Caught up in the World’s Suffering

If you are a generally empathic and compassionate person, you may be accustomed to taking on the world’s woes. It might feel selfish to you to not feel depressed or worried about people across the world who have just experienced a devastating earthquake or about the sea animals caught up in oil spills. You may feel guilty, as well, that you yourself are living in relative ease and comfort.

Feeling these emotions are signs of compassion and deep connection with other beings. They’re important. They help to fully open your heart. We are indeed connected with all beings on this earth—and with the earth and all creatures, as well—and we can feel this connection deeply within our heart.

But this does not mean that you need to experience depression, anger or grief when others do. In fact, if you dwell on these emotions—no matter how compassionate they may feel—you are actually adding to the problem. You have lowered your vibration and have added that vibration to the collective that is experiencing the suffering you’re wishing to alleviate.

ascension bubble Of course, if you feel drawn to actuallydo something constructive or helpful to those in suffering, then you can be helpful in raising the vibration of those in need, especially if you do it with love, joy and optimism. Those emotions help lift suffering. Suffering along with someone for their misfortune does not assist them.

What is infinitely more valuable is to continue living your life from within a 5D bubble you’ve created, in which you remain in a positive a mood of joy, optimism, love and harmony, no matter what. Indeed, this is what can assist the entire human race to shift into a higher vibration.

Keeping Yourself Small

If you’re like many Lightworkers, you may be fearful of stepping into your full power. Perhaps you keep yourself small, blending into the group, in order to stay in a position that feels safe. Maybe you have a fear that if you were to really be out there advertising who you are and what you know, you might somehow be “punished” or rejected.

If you find yourself doing this, know this is an old 3D habit pattern. Many of us have lived lifetimes in which we were indeed not only punished for fully expressing who we were, we were often tortured and put to death. It’s just what happened during the really dark times we lived through in the Third Dimension.

ascension1But the truth is we are no longer there. We’re in times now—especially in the West—in which it is much safer to express ourselves as the powerful and awake beings that we are. And, indeed, the world at this time really needs us to do just that.

If you can relate to this fear, see if you can see it as a subconscious habit that no longer serves you or the world. Trust that coming out and being as big and powerful as you can be will not only be safe, it will greatly raise your vibration.

Yes, it’s important to not do this through ego motivation; but it’s not likely you’re going to do that at this point in your evolution. Keep asking for inner guidance, and pray for clarity. And then move forward with gradual steps into the full expression of who you are. It’s true that you probably won’t be popular with everyone you come across. But don’t let that stop you. Your being fully who you are is what is important both for you and for the world.

Focusing on What’s Wrong with You

Another 3D habit I often see in Lightworkers is keeping focused on what’s wrong with themselves and what they need to “fix”. Many of the 3D paths of self-improvement and spirituality—although helpful to many of us in past decades—have unfortunately fostered this type of approach to awakening. It was helpful in pointing to the reasons we were not awake or happy. But this focus seldom directly brings about either awakening or happiness. It can actually drag down our vibration.

If you find yourself caught up in this habit pattern of focusing on what’s wrong with you, try to catch it—and instead begin focusing on what is right with you. Focus on the qualities in yourself you’ve decided are good or spiritual in some way. And focus on what is working well in your life, rather than what’s going wrong.

Because the habit of looking at what’s wrong can be so ingrained, at first this approach of looking at what’s right can feel Pollyannaish or unrealistic. Know that this is a 3D belief.

Focusing on the positive is a powerful, natural 5D habit. In this higher vibration, you can realize how intelligent and wise it is to focus on the positive—as it actually has the power to create a more positive reality for you. Not only does it help you to feel better about yourself in the moment, it is also telling the universe that you want more of this feeling and reality in your life.

Creating New 5D Habits

New habits are not always easy to assume. If the old habits are well-ingrained and held in place by strong beliefs, we have to keep vigilant and keep watch on the automatic decisions we make on a daily basis.

When making a decision, you can ask yourself:

• Am I deciding to do this out of fear of not being safe? Or not being loved?
• Am I acting out of self-judgment?
• Am I doing this based on self-doubt?
• Am I forgetting who I really am?

 Fully letting go of 3D habit patterns takes some work and attention, and it’s definitely a process. But it’s well worth your time to pay attention to this, as you progress further along on your Ascension path. Your struggle can become your dance.

Do remember, however, when focusing on this process in yourself: If you find yourself falling back into old patterns, do not move into self-judgment about it. (This is another 3D habit!)

Simply find understanding and compassion for yourself and then shift your awareness to the new 5D habit patterns you’re wanting to develop and move forward.

“Letting Go of 3D Habit Patterns” by Vidya Frazier, May 25, 2015 at

Original link: Letting Go of 3D Habit Patterns

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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