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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:09:56 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Love Is VAST


All of God’s divine creation, all sentient beings, even those who appear to be utterly unaware of their inherent divine nature, are assisting humanity at this point in its spiritual awakening.

All are One. There is no separation. There is only an illusion of separation, and therefore, throughout creation, all sentient life is involved and taking part in the grand awakening process.

You are not, and never have been, alone or abandoned. You are just experiencing a dream that seems very real. But of course, as you all know, dreams are unreal. And at the center of your beingness, where your true nature is always aflame in the brilliant Light of God’s Love for you, you do know this.

When you awaken from the dream into Reality, all that has seemingly hurt you or caused you suffering will be gone without a trace. There will be nothing in the way of painful memories to disturb the infinite joy of being consciously in the Presence of God, our divine Source.

I cannot remind you often enough that all are One. Within the illusion, which you built so cleverly, that does not seem to be the case. Your physicists have realized that everything is connected, that everything affects everything else. But this fact does not appear to align with your normal day to day lives, and so it is disregarded.

It seems that you are separate individuals, and if you do something successfully to gain an advantage over someone else, you win and they lose. Because this is how you experience your lives, many do engage in deceit in small ways from time to time, believing that it serves their egoic personal agendas, and then apparently gaining their well-deserved rewards for that self-centered and competitive behavior.

In the very short term it does seem that those who deceive and manipulate others win. However, life in the illusion is very short-term. It is but a short dream from which you will awaken, either at the moment of your human death into an awareness of the way you have lived your lives, and into an awareness that there is only Love, or at the rapidly approaching grand awakening into Love Itself.

The former situation, which you have all undergone countless times, can be quite shocking for those who have ignored Love, as they bought into the apparent reality of the illusion and used their skills and abilities for personal gain.

In truth there is no such thing as personal gain – everyone gains, or no one gains – as your eons of conflict show you so very clearly. And when realization of unloving lives lived egoically dawns, those unfortunate ones who chose those kinds of paths generally choose to return to the illusion as quickly as possible in order to make amends by living in rather more straitened circumstances than in their previous incarnations.

You call that karma, but in fact it is just a natural choice to undo unloving behavior and release the aspects of themselves that blocked out Love, and seemingly achieved the impossible by temporarily separating them from the Source.

Karma can be released without reincarnating, but most choose the path of reincarnation so that they can give love back by being in service to others.

All are on Earth to evolve spiritually. This has always been the case, and that is done by assisting in humanity’s awakening process. However, many forget their purpose, as the illusion envelops them and they undergo and deliver abuse in many forms.

As a result, they harden their hearts in desperate attempts to survive and, with good fortune, prosper in this unloving world. But the intent to prosper frequently leads people into deceit, betrayal, and conflict, leading to further karma.

Karma is really only a person’s own choice to make amends, a choice made on entering the spiritual or non-physical realms after bodily death, when the unloving thoughts, intents, words, and deeds of the life just past flow into their awareness as they remove their barriers to that awareness. It can be a very painful and shocking realization.

On Earth at this moment, many are experiencing very powerful emotional realizations, not specifically related to any particular past Earth life, arising into their conscious awareness and causing them intense suffering. This is as a result of the enormous karmic release that so many have chosen to undergo in this lifetime to be ready for the grand awakening which is approaching very rapidly indeed.

You no longer have the opportunity for thousands of lifetimes in which to work it off gradually. This is one of the reason that Earth’s population has increased so greatly in the last few decades, rather like an over-inflated balloon that is getting ready to burst.

Humanity’s awakening truly is imminent, and to awaken into Reality or, if you will, to ascend, all negative karma has to be dissolved.

In Reality, only Love is present. Love is VAST, and humanity’s negative karma is actually very small. It is part of the illusion, which is tiny in comparison to Heaven; like just a single grain of sand in an infinite ocean of extremely potent solvent.

Nevertheless, it has to be released, and there are many present on Earth at this time who have volunteered to take on and release the karma that others have incurred so that all may awaken together in a timely fashion.

If you are experiencing great and very painful emotional upheavals, you may well be one of the team of willing volunteers who incarnated purely to do this. If you are one of these brave and loving souls, knowthat you are most highly honored for taking on this heavy duty so that all can awaken as divinely planned.

Free will is a God-given gift that will never be overridden. So, if some choose not to awaken and instead remain immersed in the illusion, that choice will be honored. Eventually those who make that choice will change their minds. But until they do, their choice to remain unawakened will be allowed, and it will not be allowed to interfere with or prevent the grand awakening of everyone else.

If it is your intent to take part in this grand awakening, and there truly are very, very few who have already chosen or will yet choose not to partake, then rest assured, you will awaken, because it is your intent.

Do not be anxious or worried. You are infinitely loved by God, and nothing that you can do will ever alter that fact. It is God’s Will that you awaken, and because you intend to awaken, then you will.

Any self-doubt or thoughts of unworthiness on your part can be safely dismissed because God does not judge or condemn. He only loves, and in so doing, welcomes all into the loving embrace that is Reality, Heaven. And that loving embrace is your final and utterly joy-filled goal, drawing you steadily onwards towards the Home you have never left.

With so very much love, Saul.

[My audio recording equipment is KAPUT! Sorry.]

“Saul: Love Is VAST,” channeled by John Smallman, April 27, 2015, at

Source Link: John Smallman’s Blog

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:13:45 PM

I Refuse

Chains 11I refuse to be trapped in illusion any longer.

I refuse to passively accept the blindfold I wear.

I refuse to believe in death. Never mind Santa Claus. Death is no more real.

I refuse to worry. I know it all works out in the final reel and which reel that is is up to me and God.

I refuse to fear. There’s nothing that can harm me. Not really and not the real me.

I refuse to believe in original sin. Instead I believe in original innocence. It’s beliefs like original sin that obscure and hide our original innocence.

I’d rather be silent than engage in conversation that doesn’t empower me or you.

I’d rather be still than travel to exotic places for the simple thrill of travelling. Rocks remain rocks, here or there; trees remain trees; water remains water. But connecting with my love in stillness, my bliss, my compassion – that inspires me.

I refuse to be bound any longer by anything material. My heart now responds only to love in all its forms and degrees.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:15:50 PM


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Cup of Love ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

imagesReceived April 26, 2015
Hello Dearest Beloveds, We Are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, coming to you this moment, together, with much Love and Gratitude. We drink from the same Cup of Love and so we know the Truth. You know the Truth — That All Are Love, All Are Divine and all are immense in their scope of delivering Love to the World.
We come together to deliver this message to show you the immense Union of Love that you hold with All, with the World, with Humanity. Do not deny this scope and this magnitude, for all are becoming aware of this magnitude with each passing Breath of Love that We All Take, with each passing Breath of Love that We All Give, with each passing Breath of Love that We All Deliver unto ourselves, to others, and to the World.
So, Beloveds, you are not the same as you were yesterday, in the previous moment, for you are ever-changing, ever-growing, ever-developing in your Love Essence, in your Divine Essence. The Essence may stay the same, as you are always All-That-Is. However, the very growing awareness of it is ever-changing, all-knowing, and forever-developing in scope and magnitude.
You are noticing that You Are the World of your making. And how much better is this world if not made of Love in every corner, every inch, every expression and every step of your taking.
Yes, We, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, drink from the same Cup of Love and we spill that Cup out to all who may wish to receive it, to all who are open to receive it. And you do the same. We are strengthened by your doing this, just as you are strengthened by our expression of our Love for you.
Dearest Beloveds, you are complete and Whole in your Love for yourselves and for each other. Colors are brightened, energy is lightened, awareness is clearer, and time marches forward into Eternity with each Breath of Love that you take, with each Breath of Love that you share, with each Breath of Love that you deliver to all who are in need of it, to all who would be transformed by it, to all who are ready to receive it.
So allow your Cup of Love to be filled with the knowing that you are Divine, that you are Love, that you are capable of sharing it with all and with as many at the same moment that you wish. You are unlimited; you are limitless in that capacity to share your Love with yourselves and at the same time with All in the World, with All in the Galaxies, with All in the Multiverse.
For you are as big as the Multiverse, you are as immense as Source in your capacity to Love. Feel Source now… Feel the Love of Creator. To the umpteenth power… And you shall have an inkling of our Love combined as we deliver it to you now, as Union of our Love together, as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, as an expression to you of your capability of Love in Union with the Multiverse, in Union with Source. For You are that Love magnified to infinite degree. Feel it. Experience it. Know it.
With our Infinite Love, we express it Now to you. We Are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, in Union with each other, in Union with You, in Union with All, in Union with Source that We All Are.
Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:23:50 PM

Humanity Healing: Ascension Symptoms – Sleep and Dreams



We are moving into the higher dimensions at the present. This is creating a temporary confusion of time. You will have dreams that are erratic and strange sometimes. You will wake up and feel emotionally confused. Your sleep patterns might be totally disrupted. Perhaps you have slept eight hours a night until recent times.

Now you are struggling to get six hours of sleep and don’t know why. What we would want you to know is that sleep patterns are going to be very different. You might find yourself sleeping many more hours than usual and having to take naps during the day, then needing very little sleep at all and having an abundance of energy. What you are going to find is that the more Light you bring into your body, the less time you are going to need for sleep.

What will be happening is that it is not for you to replace this sleep time with third-dimensional busy living. It is important for you to be able to use this extra time for a higher aspect. You will start to see and be conscious of what you are doing but your unconscious will begin to use this time for greater enlightenment.

This is happening because you are moving into higher dimensions. In this new dimension the experience of night and day is totally reversed. Most people are used to being up and around in the daytime and asleep at night. You are in a power struggle within yourself. It’s as if part of you is anchoring into the fourth dimension and is trying to live in one way while the rest of you is here in the third dimension attempting to continue as in the past.

Your dreams might seem so jumbled at times because the dream life usually makes the movement in between dimensions before the physical life. Your consciousness is shifting back and forth. You are having a glimmer of that experience in your dreams. Sometime your dreams are not just great but they are also sequential. Then at other times you wake up and they feel more jumbled than ever.

You are going to need to cut down on television and radio usage and you are going to find that even your electric lights are going to start to handicap you, so we would expect that you would start to cut down on those as well. Part of what is going to happen in your world is that there is going to be a lessening of the need for so much electricity and you will want to spend more time in spiritual development.

“Ascension Symptoms: Sleep and Dreams”, by Humanity Healing, April 23, 1015 at

Original link: Ascension Symptoms: Sleep and Dreams

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:26:02 PM


Bob Fickes ~ A Message from Sananda: A Time of Holiness and Forgiveness

There is a great gathering happening one Earth. All the Masters are here to help you. You are never alone. I AM Sananda!
I AM the Guardian of your soul and the Watcher over your life. I tell you truly, “You are not alone.” We are here each day to help guide you to the Light.
You have all been through many lifetimes on your Path to Divinity. You have met many of your classmates in the School of Divine Learning many times and then left the Path to explore other possibilities for human experience. But now is the time when you are finding each other again. Your many friends are gathering along with the Masters for Graduation Day. This day is coming faster than you think. I AM Head Master of this School. I tell you truly, “Your Graduation Day is near.”
Beginning with Wesak until the Summer Solstice, many of you will rise up into the Light of your Inner Divinity. The Masters are by your side sending you their energy and unseen assistance. Gather together. Be together. Let your Consciousness Merge as One. Be on the Path and confirm your Path daily.
Wesak is a time of Celebration when all the Masters will gather at Kuramayama and Tenkawa. In America we gather at the Grand Tetons and in Europe we gather at Lourdes where Saint Bernadette was visited by Maria and achieved her Ascension. Chose where you will be for this gathering. This is a gathering of the Light. Our hope is to saturate the world with Good Tidings and Great Love.
Throughout May and June I will be appearing along with Maria to many of you. We welcome you into the Light. Join with us in a great movement of energy to rejuvenate your commitment to the Light. Join with us in Group Meditation and Feedings of the Divine Power of Love. We promise to give you Transmissions of Love Power to rejuvenate your spirit and help you to reclaim your Divine Inheritance.
I give you this Message, “The Masters are here. We are with you during this Time of Holiness and Forgiveness. No matter where you have been or what you have done, it will all be dissolved and forgiven. Join us in the Light and melt away your past transgressions. Bless you! I AM Sananda!”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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