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Flash Smith

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12/16/2009 1:50:51 PM
Needless to say I was Really Impressed with the traffic I got when I joined 2 Traffic Exchanges.
Iwent through about 20-30 different Traffic Exchanges before I foundonly 4 that I liked and gave me the Most Features . Because of thisIhave set up 3 New Sections on Affiliate-Ads Forum. I am Sure oncetheseBoards gets going then Everyone will get Educated about TrafficExchanges. here are the Ones I joined in case you want to take a lookat them.


Rated from the Best to the one I Liked but not the best. On HenryHits a little TIP. Open your surfing in either another window or Tab. AS you have no way of going back to your account once you start surfing.

I have just joined another one called Hothits.[update: This one is Not Good!! You might like it but I didn't. It banned 4 banners that I tried to put up.]I am surfing as I write this post now. It seems to be OK. you get 5000banner impressions when you sign up. Great!! Well, Before you getthemand you become Active you have to Surf 500 pages. You get 1 creditforeach page you sure? I think it will be ok but I am still wondering.

One thing I leaned. Traffic Exchanges and AffiliateBot goes together like a Man and Wife!!!

I hope this information will Help someone. Hopefully More than One!!

Happy Holidays Everyone