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Nancy Gleason

262 Posts
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Favorite Quotes
10/30/2009 7:19:02 PM

The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. - Socrates

Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow. - Doug Firebaugh

Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life. Herbert Otto

Energy and persistence conquer all things. - Benjamin Franklin

Nancy Gleason P.S. Are you looking for answers on why your current busines isn't working for you? Do you want to save yourself years of frustration and failure? This FREE e-book, 'Success in 10 Steps', will help you in whatever business you are in:
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Favorite Quotes
10/31/2009 12:54:09 AM

Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light!

Author Unknown

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Favorite Quotes
10/31/2009 1:07:41 AM

Someone in a discussion on same-sex 'marriage', put forward this quote.......

When Abraham Lincoln was out campaigning for President, he used to put a question to the audiences of farmers. How many legs does a horse have, if you call a tail a leg? Many in the audience would respond "five". To which Lincoln would say, "No, the horse still has four legs. Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg."
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