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Eat That Frog! Training Kit
10/22/2009 6:27:38 PM
** Eat That Frog! Training Kit **

"Could your time management skills get you laid-off this year?"

Brian has put together some of his most powerful time management programs for this timely training kit!

Business is harder than it used to be—people in every industry have to work smarter and harder to show that they deserve to be there.

If you don't have the skills to perform for your company and prove that you are the best asset for them, you may be left behind.

Success is Predictable
Brian has been studying successful people for over 40 years. He has found that the number one thing they ALL have in common is that they have great time management skills.

This new training kit—based on the best-selling book Eat That Frog!—will teach the skills and techniques needed to not only survive in this changing economy, but also thrive.

The Eat That Frog! Training Kit includes:
  • Eat That Frog, 2nd Edition - 168-page book - Your most challenging task is the one you are most likely to procrastinate on -- but it's also the one that will have the greatest positive impact on your life.
  • How to Master Your Time - 6-CD Program - Brian will teach the philosophy of time management, to help internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make every minute of your day more efficient.
  • The Life Planning Process - 44-page book - When's the last time you actually wrote down what you wanted to accomplish, planned how to accomplish it and actually followed through? This workbook will help you do just that.

    Eat That Frog! Training Kit

    Eat That Frog! Training Kit

    Upgrade Your Time Management Skills Today With Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog! Training Kit!

    Make Every Minute Count
    By: Brian Tracy

    Time management is the central skill of success. Your ability to manage your time, to focus and channel your energies on your highest value tasks, will determine your rewards and your level of accomplishment in life more than any other factor.

    Save Hundreds of Hours and Thousands of Dollars in Personal Advancement

    Your mind is your most precious asset. You must be continually working to increase the quality of your thinking. One of the best ways is to turn driving time into learning time. Listen to educational CDs or audio cassettes in your car. The average driver, according to the American Automobile Association, drives 12,000 to 25,000 miles each year, spending 500 to 1000 hours that you spend each year in your car. That is the equivalent of 12 1/2 to 25 forty-hour weeks. This is the same as two full university semesters spent behind the wheel of your car each year.

    Use Traveling Time as Learning Time
    If you did nothing but use that traveling time as learning time, this decision alone could make you one of the best educated people of your generation. Many people have gone from rags to riches simply by listening to audio programs as they drive to and from work.

    Attend Every Seminar
    In addition, for personal and professional development, you should attend every seminar you can. You can often save yourself 100's of hours of reading and researching by attending a seminar given by an authority in his or her field. You can learn ideas, techniques and methods that can save you hours, days, even months of hard work and research on your own.

    Increase Your Earnings
    Remember, to earn more, you must learn more. Your outer world of results will always correspond to your inner world of preparation. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.

    Action Exercises
    Now, here are two things you can do to put these ideas to work in your life immediately.

    First, purchase an audio program that can help you to be happier and more effective today. Begin listening to it immediately. Resolve never to listen to music in your car when you can turn driving time into learning time.

    Second, seek out seminars and training programs given by experts in your field. Sit close to the front, take careful notes, and apply the best ideas that you learn immediately.