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Bogdan Fiedur

4624 Posts
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Person Of The Week
He who has a “why” to live ..
11/21/2005 1:18:54 PM
"He who has a “why” to live can bear with almost any “how.”" – Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Donna Lira

572 Posts
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Re: He who has a “why” to live ..
11/21/2005 1:28:42 PM
Good Afternoon Bogdan, Again CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for your invite to your Quote of the Day. Excellent quote. Thanks for sharing. Your friend Donna aka texgirl
Re: He who has a “why” to live ..
11/21/2005 1:43:11 PM
That was a good post Bogdan. Thank you, Joan
I have a house for sale. Please take a look and tell your Florida-bound friends. I will pay the person who refers a qualified buyer. Thanks, Joan
John Partington

1560 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: He who has a “why” to live ..
11/21/2005 1:45:59 PM
Hi Bogdan, On the ball again as usual, oh yes congratulations on being selected as person of the week. Best Wishes John.
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Re: He who has a “why” to live ..
11/21/2005 1:51:26 PM
That is so true Bogdan, I know. Another CONGRATS to You as the POTW. Best regards Arild