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Judy Smith

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A BIG welcome - Nothing less will do
1/31/2009 8:32:26 PM

Hello Friends,

Adland has grown, Adland has made changes, improvements, added new member packages, and features,  since the first day I came to town. 
When I first came to Adland, John was one of the first to give me a big hearty welcome and introduce me to others, and to his forums.  If it had not been for the friendships of LaNell, Pauline, and John Sanchez and a few others, I just might have walked away, and never formed some of the bonds and strong relationships that I have here.

John Sanchez The Goodwill Ambassador of Adland has been away from us for a year.  I have missed him, I have missed his wisdom, his wit, his compassion  and his knowledge and I have missed his forums!

There is a WELCOME BACK party being held for him by LaNell

The party won't really get started until you get there and welcome him back!

Come on over and give John the Goodwill Welcome he deserves!


Re: A BIG welcome - Nothing less will do
2/14/2009 3:45:48 PM

New and Established Community Members!

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: A BIG welcome - Nothing less will do
2/14/2009 4:50:14 PM

Judy Smith

4550 Posts
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Re: A BIG welcome - Nothing less will do
2/15/2009 8:46:42 AM

Hi LEE!!!!!

I am so happy to see you.

Thanks for the Valentine,

Hugs and blessings,

