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Shelly Hargis

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Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/18/2008 11:53:51 AM
Hi again Friends, I was just thinking about that awful day, September 11th, When the twin towers were attacked, When our Nation was attacked, How, unfortunately, through a Disaster, We came together as one. It did not matter if we were Democrat or Republican, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic. Rich or Poor. What religion we were.All that mattered is that someone attacked us and we were Not going to take it. We will protect each other no matter what. We would see justice no matter what. We would help each other through this no matter what. I was never more Proud of our Country then at that time. It should not have to take a Major Disaster for us to be One again. Our community should be like that also. I realize that many of us come and go, (myself included), but why not communicate better? Why not make real Friendships? What I am saying is that This is a Great Community with many Great People, fellow Human Beings, from all over the World and we are all made up from diiferent color, religions, buisnesses, backgrounds, nationalities,But we are all here together and it is such a Wonderful Experience that we should never take for granted. I had never been able to talk to someone from another country let alone other states like this until I joined Adlandpro and Now I have friends from all over the World. What an exciting opportunity this has been. I hope that this Forum will bring out people from all over the country and the World. Let Everyone know that we are One Great Community. Please leave your thoughts. By the way, I was Inspired to write this Forum from a Couple of Great Friends, Mike and Shirley Caron. Shirley has a Wonderful Forum caled: What are Friends for? Please visit when you get the chance. Thanks so much and I Love you all. :) Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Steven Suchar

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/18/2008 1:50:01 PM
Hi Shelly!

Thank you for your invitation and what a wonderful topic. :)

Yes, my thoughts and prayers are with those who suffered loss...I cannot imagine what that must have felt like for all of the innocent victims.

Life, indeed, is very fragile and we should not take it for granted.  This moment, now, is all that we really have...we must make the most of it.

I have met so many special people here in our community and priceless friendships have developed over time.  I am grateful 24/7 for these relationships!!

If we all just take a moment to stop by a friends forum to say 'hi' or 'thank you''s the little things that all add up to keep us connected.  I have learned this from the pro's of recognition.

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

PS...this is one of my favorite graphics. :)

Michael Caron

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/18/2008 4:03:00 PM
Walking Garbage CanHi Shelly,
 WOW!!! You sure do know how to shock someone, don't you?
Electric First, this is an excellent forum that comes at just the right time.  Yes, we all did come together at 9/11.  The innocent people that died that day were a mixture of several different races and Nationalities.  The tears that we shed were for all, not just one particular Race, Creed, or Color.  Hatred showed that innocent people were not exempt, however courage showed that even though they knew that they were going to die, those brave people on the plane that was heading straight for the White House, fought back to save the symbol of our country.  I am not mad or angry, however I am very disappointed at the tone that our community is taking right now.  I can imagine what our international friends must be thinking.  Words can be just as hurtful as a slap in the face.  I love this community and every person that belongs to it.  The key word is "Belong". How about we all put away the tongues of Swords and replace the anger with love.  I see beauty in the faces of all that wear a smile, however those that carry anger on their shoulders seem to have a dark cloud effect hovering around them so the beauty cannot be seen. Yes, we mus always remember 9/11, however rember also that that most tragic day was Borne out of Hatred, not Love. 
 Shelly, I had Shirley read this and when she got to the bottom, I saw a tear trickle down.  Shirley has taught me many things. Most of which is respect for all.  You Shelly, have bestowed upon us the greatest gift that we could receive. True, honest friendship. Thank you so much.  Shirley will be in shortly.  I would talk some more, but
Embarrassing Bubbles I stink I have to go.
Easter Cross
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/18/2008 4:29:04 PM
Hi Steven and Thank You for stopping in. I too cannot Imagine all of the pain from those who had lost their loved ones on that tragic day but I do know that we all cried for them. I have been so overwhelmed with things since I have been back, that I have not yet got around to many friends forums yet, But I will. I am on my way to yours as soon as I am done here. :) Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and for taking the time to come here. I promise that I am going to give back to my friends here even if it is only to post in forums or help any way that I am able to, but I do plan on helping my friends. So many helped me awhile back in so many different ways and I have never nor will I ever forget it. By the way, I absolutely Love yor Graphic. :) Thanks so much Steven. Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/18/2008 5:07:07 PM
Hi Mike, Thank you so much for your post. It is wonderful. You made me cry when you told me about Shirley. You both are such wonderful friends with warm hearts and Many Talents. Thank you for everthing. I hope that we get a good response here. I am hoping that many feel this way. I know that being a Strong Community does mean so much to many here. I would sure love to hear from them also. Please come back any time. Your Friend, :) Shelly Hargis

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