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1st Week Checks Top $10,000! Get Paid on Cell Phone Bills! Launching Now!
8/10/2008 5:28:59 PM
First time in MLM history! Get paid on wireless (cellular) phone bills!

No competition in network marketing!

Wireless with Verizon Goes MLM!

First week checks top $10,000!

7 ways to make money!

Who do you know with a cell phone? Likes to make money? Everybody!

Fortunes we're earned in EXCEL marketing long distance where the average long distance phone bill was $30 a month and we're targeting wireless where the average bill is $60 a month!

Available only in the U.S. and Puerto Rico currently!

Prepaid cellular coming soon which will be huge!

Join team led by several legendary entrepreneurs and network marketing leaders who in our past 3 companies built combined groups of over 500,000 distributors and generated over $2 billion in sales!

If you've ever wanted to be in at the beginning of something big, this is it! Visit this website and be sure to watch both movies!

Leadership package for people with proven track records in network marketing!

You can reach us at:

Include your name, location, phone number, and a brief description of your network marketing background.


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