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Friend or Foe?
5/17/2008 8:23:32 PM

Being on the internet and reading all these "opportunities" to be coached or taught to be successful online, in business or what have you, many times I asked myself, "Is this person a friend or foe?"  Foe?  That is a pretty harsh word, but if you look at what most of them do, entice you with an informative e-book or course and then try to nail you with a course for $300 - $2500. 

Don't get me wrong, there is really nothing wrong with that, they are just making the most of free enterprise.  I guess the thing that bothers me the most is that they say that they want to help you succeed, but at an expense, usually a pretty high one.  Why don't they just say that they want to sell you this information or system? 

I struggled with this for a long time, and then I decided that I was going to learn how to market on the internet without draining my bank account.  It is amazing what you can learn IF you want to.  I learned how to generate traffic to a website and get regular visitors day after day.  There are people today paying for the same information that I learned for free. 

I just finished giving workshops on the traffic generation techniques that I use to 3 different groups in my business.  Most of the people attending weren't even in my downline!  So why would I offer this for free?  Network marketing is about helping people!  It doesn't matter to me if they are not in my downline, in my organization or in my company for that matter.  I truly want to see people succeed.  I also believe, as Zig Ziglar says, "Help as many people as you can get what they want, and you will get what you want."

Everyone in life wants to leave something to be remembered by, it's called a legacy.  I want to leave a legacy of helping others.  How does this help me now?  It helps in the building of my organization, people are looking for someone who can help them.  I can teach them, then they can learn to teach others.  Soon it starts to snowball.  Give of yourself selflessly, share with others the things that have been successful for you, and see if your business doesn't grow even bigger than you could have imagined.

Talk to you soon,

Timothy N. Vigil Wellness Experience Coach Helping people feel the vitality of yesteryear, improving life with health, wellness and wealth.

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